
back from golf!!!

but it was really sucky
Mood: abit frustrated.

BAH! today's golf wasn't good. Maybe I'm just being a little too harsh on myself, but it's one helluva high expectation that I've set.. so yeah...

hahs.. 10 practices at the range, then I'm off to the course for a game.. abit too much not? *shrugs* I have not a clue about whether I'm setting too high a standard on myself. Hmmm.. maybe a little too low? hahs..

Anyway, MSN cocked up once more. It's been down for over 3 hours I'm assuming. So, I'm surviving on ICQ now. If you have my ICQ, that's great, we'll chat there, if not, just mail me and I'll screen.. lol.

Chatting with Ah Mun je je over ICQ now.. bwahhas.. so nice. She's a nice person to chat with, I guess.

hmmm... well, nothing really happened today.. hmm.. amanda called me up, and we had a chat.. about 10 minutes more or less.. yeah..

well, okay, I'm going off to study for my IMB test tomorrow.
Have to ace this time, I wanna impress.. myself!! bwhahahs...


Toodles kids! be good y'hear?