
This, was a comment in reply to Jeremy's lil entry on Passion and Determination... bleh.. i think i hardly made ANY sense...


Like you said, Passion, "is a strong desire for something or someone to an extent that it permeates your entire heart, body and soul." Rather, it's more or less and intense and indescribable emotion to your opinion. Pardon me if I sound rather biased on matters like these. I can be quite controversial in such matters, but these matters are meant to be that way.. Back to the topic at hand.. (yes, i AM the short-attention spanned kiddo around here!)

Truth be told, I have yet to feel such a thing as passion. I mean, I have yet to grasp hold of something that makes me commit myself down totally to the subject at hand. You'd argue, saying that my love for the knowledge on Genetics is a passion to begin with. But, nah... not true.. that's just an interest that has captivated me for a rough estimation of 3 years.

To have a passion for something, would be much more than just daydreaming of something to happen. (like all that day-dreaming of being a genetic scientist one day..) To have a passion, would be to put my entire heart and soul to it (just like what you've said) and also to have an undying, unconditional love for the subject concerned. hmm.. i'm clearly just repeating your words aren't i?
But to hold on to a passion and make that passion stuff all come true, it'll be to exert all will-power and determination to get it done, no matter how long it may take. It'll be to put yourself in a little world, where it's just you and what you love to do. Having a passion, descibed best, is like having a job which you love sooooo soooo sooooo much and you just can't let go of that job, not unless that passion runs dry. (but that's hardly the case) And to have a passion, is to make so many sacrifaces that no one in their right mind would make. You'd give up anything just to do it. It becomes your life-time commitment and dedication.

I guess I'd agree that Passion can be quite indescribable at times.. and that it's just like a dance and what not that is there that a person would make absolute use of when stranded by himself on that determination to get his goal completed. (it's friggin' 0137hrs... i'm going to get stoned here again)

Take that LoTR trilogy as an example (i'm just gonna infuse determination along with passion from now on, yah? just need to go get that chem book completed) If you've read The Fellowship Diary, you'd see Passion infusing with determination at it's climax. You can feel the real essence of Passion that the actors have on dealing with the filming of the trilogy. I would say that Peter Jackson (director of LoTR) and Viggo Mortensen (Aragon) were the two people that stuck me most and left me in awe and wonder. Their passion is like an undying symphony, a music so melodious, even you'd be in awe.

An excerpt I took out from the fellowship diary, a statement from Sean Bean on directer Peter Jackson, "Peter Jackson is an incredible director. He's very on top of things and thoroughly researched...and he knew exactly what he wanted and what was happening at any particular time on any set. He had a little bicycle so that he could peddle to the next set.... "

And like I said earlier, about passion being such like a life-time commitment and dedication thing, I think that lies in the naked truth for Viggo, in a statement from co-star Liv Tyler (Arwen), "I�ve never seen anybody in my whole life work as hard as Viggo Mortensen. The guy did not complain once. He never got a massage. He never took a day off. He just worked every second. Even on the days off, he�d go horseback riding or do something that was related (to the film). "

In it's plain glory, that is passion to me. You immerse yourself so deeply into what you love to do, such immense dedication for something that you live the way you ought to live when being in the climax of fulfilling that passion for the subject at hand. But I guess in passion with the aid of determination, one wouldn't get the success that most would seek. It's only because everyone has their own defination of their passions and what they obsess on, that sets each other apart.

For some, it may to be a doctor, and to help others, whilst for some, it's to be a military general, to fight for the country, while for others... their passion is just to be their plain simple selves. (well, there ARE such cases)

However, to have that immense dedication and commitment and love to the work that one is doing, that, is passion. To carry on that passion, is where determination comes in. It aids in going on with the passion that one has. However, determination is often easily lost. (although always regained as easily)


and whilst I spent my entire afternoon walking around with Ken and Jeremy in town today (coz we saw such a MASSIVE crowd at the cinemas...) and got stumped at how girly some gays could get.. yes, I'm stumped... literally disgusted at some too... ew.... jeremy, I swear you get grosser everytime I meet up with you... :S ahhh.... well...
wonders of having crazy friends.. heh heh!
doesn't that make me MAD as well? *ponders*


ahhh well... like I care about my sanity.. muahhaha!!!
anyway, about 10 odd pages of chemistry notes to read... ciao!!!

Catching up with the books,