
here come the pics!!

of Gins and I going spastic! =]
Mood: in pain, but that's merely skin deep

Looking forward to 9.30, when I step out of my home, and get to Assisi via bus 132.. hee hee hee...

Anyway, you know, some freaking bugger's been trying to break into my appartment. =(
Should the arseface who's been trying to break in is so much as reading this, let me warn you arseface, that I'll make sure I'll take my driver and literally whack your face in SOOOOOO much, it'll come through your guts and out from your arsehole. MARK MY WORDS, that will happen to you.

If I'm heartless enough to sacriface zebrafish for little mundane experiments, keep it in mind, when I say I'll literally whack your arseface in THAT badly. Mark my words.

You've been forewarned.

Anyway, on to something much much lighter.... *smiles*

Here we go!

The ever famous shoe shop shot!!! ^_^V

Gins and the creepy branch.. it freaked me out to see a branch from a small plant gigantise so huge!

Me with the big leaf.. hee hee...

Well, that's all for now.. hahhas... shall take a pic with felix and gins sometime soon.. so yeah, till then, that's it.. hahs..

Alright, I gotta go check my other stuff, then pack for my trip down to Assisi.. hahahas.. not sure what Ms G wants me to do, but she told me to be there by 10.30am.. yuppies.. hahs..

okays, armed with new positivity.. I shall go get ready..
and hopefully by bringing something down to study, that might help too.. :P

Before I go...
Weekly Shit!!! :)

Unconscious Mutterings:

Small Talk:: mundane chatterings
Evidence:: CSI!!
Drifting:: wood in the sea
Hostage:: I held my pencil in hostage once.. but i gave that up after 40 seconds
Beauty:: and the beast..
Automatic:: guns
Asking for it:: you're looking for trouble, innit?
Visene:: what the... what's that?
No string attached:: gins' style of dating guys
Frizz:: heh.. hair..

Toodles for now!! ;)

P.S: good luck to those taking their exams.. shoo shoo..! go study now!!