SLAUGHTER THE PENGUINS!!!!!!heh... yet another day of killing the cutest of creatures.. right Jezz? *evil grin* lucky all this is just words..
Alas! The truth is out... or so, I think... Fabio admitted the truth about lying.. (hm, now, THAT didn't sound right.. but that's how it is!) and he apologised loads.. many would be against me for doing this, but I'd forgiven him.. I mean, trival stuff like that don't actually hurt me.. it just annoys the hell out of me. But I know he's got many many reasons behind all that..
But, I didn't actually scold him, coz Char beat me to that.. she gave him such a thrashing.. remind me to get her a little something sweet.. haha.. she's such a sweet, thoughtful 'sister'... I do miss her loads..come to think of it..
Today is "Clear your room" day.. *major sigh*
oh well... gotta get through that....
As of now,
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