
supposedly 6 entries left...

no matter...

Today's entry will be long, so be in for a ride. (just as usual)
Actually, I'm supposed to be studying like shit, coz common tests are just but a few countable hours away from me..15 hours in fact.

Anyway, I'll do the cramming later, story comes first.

Today, I woke up at 6.15am to the loud blastings from my mobile's alarm..
I hit the snooze button and was rudely awakened again at 6.25am.. Then I remembered, I have to call Clem and PS. So, morning call to Clemmy, he picked it up, sounding all chirpy and he even thanked me for calling.. I was like "ugh.. ooooo'kaaaay..."

hahahs.. PS, oh sheesh, don't even talk about it..
that woman slept like a PIG. woke up at 8.30 and reached YCK MRT only at 9.30am....
-___-|| how wonderful. I called her like 4 times, and messaged her once..

Anyway, William Hung look-a-like was there. YUCK. good thing he stayed FAAAAAR FAAAAAR away from me. thank gawds. *thanks the gods in silent mutters*

I was running about everywhere in school today... from Block L to A, A to L, L to South Canteen(SC), SC to L, L to S, S back to L... ughs... tiring job. But a good excersize I'd say.. blah..

Oh, and Allison's nickname has been upgraded.. from a PARAZOA..
to a BACIDIOMYCOTIC PARAZOAN. bwhaahhahhs!!! :)
Basically, Kumaran was asking ally whether the bacidiomycota was a bacteria, and allison was trying to tell him that "no, it's Fungi" but she was interrupted by her in-charge who was asking for her name. Ally turned to the lady and told her "er.. Fungi" bwhahahahah!!!! :D goodness me, the lady was soooo confused that she had to ask ally again "excuse me?" hahahs!!!

So, from now on, please do call Allison the "BACIDIOMYCOTIC PARAZOAN" :) 'nuff said for GSS.. ;P

Well, after GSS, PS and JunCheng and I headed down to PlazaSingapura (PS too hahas), to Mos Burger's to study.
But we side-tracked so badly (but still on the basis of SCIENCE) into homsexuality, blood groups, the shops where the gays work at, menstrual cramps, down to gay friends describing their gay sex to us. oh, and facial tips. Okay, it's all girl talk. it was GROSS. like YUCK-yuck-YUUUUCCCK. ew. hahas..
I'm not gonna get into the details, it was too much and I don't think you'd want to know about it either. it's sick lah.
The diners around us ate sooo quickly and they scrammed out after eavesdropping on us. I bet you they were shocked at the things we youngsters were discussing about.
At a diner's place too, mind you. ;P

But anyway, after deciding we'd had enough of disgusting girl talk (JunCheng became Sophia once more =P) we headed up to Times Bookstore when PS told me of the new Matt Ridley book.. I'm thinking of getting it, but I'll see how lah. it's like $25..

We headed up to Kopitiam after that, JC and PS had their dinners. (guo dia, ban mian and laksa) and then we went walking around PS for a while and came round to this shop called "bloomingdale" or something to that name.

It sold badges. those that I'm dying to get.
The ones with "I'm next to this idiot", "I'm surrounded by idiots like you.", "i'm only walking this way to piss you off." hahahahs.. yeah, I bought those badges!! finally, I can call debra an idiot. *grins*

Anyway, I got home just now.
Only to find Terra sick. My dumb feline is sick. Her stomach's sooo bloated. oh man.. okay, I better see to her soon, she was positively begging for my attention when I got home today, I gave her a cuddle, a huge hug and I set her down into her basket.. she's all quiet now.. :S

Hmm.. okays, I think I'll just cut this entry here.
I gotta go study for physical chemistry tomorrow...