Mood: guilty
I just finished screaming at my mom.
I made her sound like she was in the wrong (which she clearly wasn't)..
But anyway, yeah, um.. what is there to say..
I'm so guilty for telling my mom so rudely to fuck off my back, that I didn't need her or dad's help and they really ought to just back off..
Well, I bet you my parents do read this blog too.. "investigations?"
Anyway, like whatever.
You know, I'll prolly get over it in like a few days time.
Oh yeah, read in the papers just yesterday.. El Nino effect will take place again. It's already happening.. (no doubt) and it's gonna be weird the next couple of weeks, or months perhaps.
I really do wonder what's this world getting to these days.
Depression getting to all humans... must be too much of the radiation coming from the machines.. (MACHINES ARE FIGHTING BACK!!! *gasps*)
alright, I'm going mad here...
I still hate gary somewhat.. grr...
outta here..
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