
Weekly shits

time to crap... ;)
Mood: bored

So, okay, Terra.. poor terra..
she started hyperventilating just now in the car on the way to the vet..
Will pick her up at 2pm later.

The Thursday Threesomes:

::Dancing Polar Bears::

Onesome: Dancing-- Dancing? Does anyone go dancing anymore? I mean, disco died, and the club scene? Hmmm... Is dancing dead? ...or are we just here on the web instead of out for the evening?
Well, people in SG still do go clubbing. and there're those nightly line dancing outside the malls.. and the ballroom lessons (salsa and all) i think there's more than enough dance in singapore! :P

Twosome: Polar-- Polar bears seem to do well in the snow... How about you? Is snow just another thing you deal with when it shows up, or is it shutdown time? ...and if you're posting from a non-snowy locale, do you make trips to actually see snow? It's okay to admit it...
I'm okay with snow.. and yeah, I DO make trips upwards just to see and feel and play in snow.. ;P I mean, all I see is rain and sunshine 24/7.. gets a little boring after a while..

Threesome: Bears-- Bears? Christmas Bears? Have you seen the number of bears on the shelf this year? Are you getting one for anyone? ...or are you looking forward to receiving one? ...or do you still think that inguana in the elf outfit is more your style ?
eh.. bears.. well, I'd welcome any christmas bear!! not giving anything this year or anytime soon, coz I just don't even celebrate the season..

Friday's Feast:

Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood.
This little monkey mom bought for me.. and there was this bean-filled reindeer someone passed to me. I couldn't go anywhere without it.. I think I still have it somewhere in my home..

If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be?
eh.. hmm.. a meal. yes. a meal. hahahhas... ;)

Approximately how many times per day do you think about your significant other?
um... okay, that one's abit tough coz I haven't got a significant other as it is.. hahas.. but previously, it was probably about over 20 times a day? hahas.. actually, it was uncountable.. he was always on my mind..

Main Course
Name something you believe in 100%.
I believe in living my life to its fullest, even if it's being depressed. At least I'd know how deep into depression I can get.

List 3 things you did this year that you would consider a "good deed."
Good deeds huh?
1) Helping my friends out.
2) Picking Terra up from the roadside and taking care of her
3) um... listening to other people's problems? letting them vent it all out, I guess..

Unconscious Mutterings:

Delightful:: Delights! food.
Impact:: um.. can't think about a word to go with this
Consolation:: something to make the 4th in place feel better
Donation:: free money! C'mon, donate some money to me.. ;)
Blue moon:: and the wolf howls.....
Grinner:: :D :D :D :D :D (Imma grinner!)
Smoker:: Dad
Muse:: the thing that helps me write stuff, draw and paint stuff
Tweet:: Birds
Guitar:: I miss playing mine.