
Response to today's topic...

I have been spending like 20 minutes pondering on what knowledge really is all about. And again, you�ve got part of what I though of written out already so this will be a short one. Knowledge is the knowing of something. A form of revelation to one. However, with knowledge, one can always choose not to use it. For some knowledge isn�t as helpful to one in one way or another. Yes, Knowledge is good, and it�s evil as well. Depends on how you see it. You�ve stated the uses of knowledge very clearly, might I add� Often, most knowledge that one has gain, it is purely for the benefit of himself, and not for others, right? While I always read and come to know of many things by accident, or just totally out of curiosity, most of the knowledge gained is to the benefit of my own and not others. Selfish as it may sound, that�s how it is.
And while knowledge is power, I don�t think knowledge equals to corruption. It is only due to greed that leads to corruption. You, yourself, will be a doctor soon. And as a doctor, you have the knowledge to the human anatomy at its greatest. If you say that knowledge is power and power corrupts a person, wouldn�t that mean that you evidently will become corrupt after being a knowledgeable person in the fields of science? Power doesn�t corrupt a person; it is greed and hunger for more power that corrupts a person. Take that in mind� It is good to hear that you guard yourself with that particular oath. Often times, that oath is broken in the political society.

Well, wisdom� is the ability to apply knowledge, common sense and insight on something. Not a very good definition, but I will try to explain it along the way. A quote I picked out from an online dictionary:

�Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.� --Coleridge.

I do suppose wisdom is rather more like being sharp and observant to whatever that happens around you and being able to keep your cool and calm when in the most atrocious and anxious of situations.. And yea, I agree, wisdom comes with greater responsibility� and is only often given to those who has a certain degree of maturity, tact and knowledge. You�d have to agree� the most evil of people can sometimes be rather wise. Sometimes being the keyword.

And leaving you with one last quote, from Cowper:

Knowledge and wisdom, far from being one,
Have ofttimes no connection. Knowledge dwells
In heads replete with thoughts of other men;
Wisdom, in minds attentive to their own.
Knowledge, a rude, unprofitable mass,
The mere materials with which wisdom builds,
Till smoothed, and squared, and fitted to its place,
Does but encumber whom it seems to enrich.
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.