
Kill the....dogs...

yes....those dawgs...
Mood: bored

Having ice cream for breakfast...bwhahas... shiok!
Hmmm.. yeah, I know a lot of people will be coming after me for 'killing' the dogs... but....... *shrugs* it's just a kill.. not an extinction act. hehe...

You know, I was very tempted to over-blog last night.. 4 entries a day. This doesn't get any better, does it? ;)

Anyways, I was chatting with Joey last night. He told me how Howie was online in Amanda's MSN.. hahas.. so I can safely tell you now, that the anonymous reader is Howie. So howie, you want to post any comments, feel free to do so.. I know my other regular readers do post some comments from time to time, but most of them are just too lazy. RIGHT?

Yeah, oh and Joey.. hahas.. I don't club! I don't know why, I just don't like the prospect of clubbing, I prefer mugging (aka) pubbing. [But we youngsters use mugging as studying.. how the term changes so much.] So when I told you I would be mugging last night, I really meant both terms.. hahas.. I was studying and drinking at the same time.

I do have like this whole cabinet full of wine and liquor.. it got so full that my mom had to use grandma's home to store our alcohol. So yeah, when I get enough money, and when my dad's found a nice space should my parents decide to FINALLY renovate the flat, I'll buy them a fridge to store all that booze. And I'll get Uncle Ricky to go to Europe to get some wine for me from Switzerland. I missed out the Swiss wine previously. (What a pity!) Swiss wine is really gooooood. yummy quality stuff. One should try it..

Anyway, I was chatting with Ken after Joey went off clubbing (thanks for the offer tho, joey)... caught up with the doode.. Ken's really a jap-sg.. his dad's a pure japanese, while his mom's singaporean chinese. But Ken knows no shit about japanese. He tried studying it while in Australia earlier this year. hahas.. His full name's Hirayama Ken.

Well, Ken's in army now. (he decided to do NS first) So, it says "Hirayama" on his name tag.. hahas.. so cool. his sergeant and 2nd commander calls him "Hiroshima" all the time.. heh heh heh.. poor dude.

If I do meet up with dude, I'll take a pic with him. Jezzie, you do remember Ken, right? We all went out once.. to watch a movie, but ended up not watching due to that frigging crowd..

Ken calls me dudette coz I keep calling him dude. (heh.. i only call him that coz he's a skater, and a driver who drinks too much alcohol sometimes)
Oh! hahas.. let me tell you something you'd find really crazy about this dude..
He eats his morning cereal with Bailey's!!!!

I was telling him that he made ordinary low-fat milk look too cheap for his appetite..
For two hours, (or perhaps three I didn't keep track of time) Ken and I caught up on stuff.. hahs.. he told me about his camp and how he spent the week at Tekong. bwhahas.. arty and sniper drills, yeah dude? enjoy. *smirks*

I'm sooooo glad I was born a female. Lovely. ;)

I've realised, that I get stuffed over the weekends by mom. She starves us on sunday mornings, but we eat stuff like tidbits and ice cream. Only to be stuffed with lunch.. She buys more snacks like bread and whatnot.. "for afternoon snacks if you're hungry at 3 or 5 later" and then when she gets home, she prepares enough food for 7 when there's only 5 of us left in the family, by then, she makes us eat everything too..

And there's still after-dinner food -- fruits.


I'm stuffed.

Agree anot? so many things to eat. blah.

hahahs.. anyways, today, I shall ATTEMPT to study for inorganic chemistry. I do realise how unprepared I am. but hey, they only finalised the fucking exam timetables only 2 weeks before the exams. How is that any good to anyone? Usually, they'd tell us like 8 weeks in advance you know. Blardy hell, I hate NYP lecturers. They're so pathetic.

You know, I really thought I'd enjoy school the moment those 7 long months were over. I was seriously so deprived of school back then, I thought I'd be able to jump right back to studying. I looked forward to the prospect of meeting new people and all that.

But the whole thing really turned this HUGE flip-flop, my class peeps aren't exactly having the best of personalities that I'd love to get along with, save for a countable number of them (and I can assure you, all I need is one hand to tick them off my list). The lecturers, I can bet you the whole lot of them hate us, but they don't say it, they show it in our marks. (save for Ms Eunice, she likes us loads) I mean, my classmates were really cool in getting me all those things for my birthday, that I'm so grateful for.. those presents.

But well, I don't know.. I'm just starting to dislike the environment NYP has. The only reason why I came here was because I didn't get into NP, and TP's Law was a tad bit too late. NYP should've seriously overlooked my English and Commercial Studies grades (they were both A2).

I have no idea if I'd made the right decision in choosing this field of study. I don't even understand the fundemental basics in the course of this study. *sighs*

I do suppose I'll have to revert back to the old style of 'studying'... wo hui si bei wo de shu. (That really meant:"I'll memorise my books till I die") I seriously have no other choice, really.

I neeeeed to start memorising. Die. haiz..
Sooooooo dead now.

Okay, I shall stop complaining about my future death, and commence with the memorising. *nods*

Toodles and be good, y'all.
(or maybe you can wreck more havoc.)