
i'm a youth because.....

I'm a Youth, only because....

oh whom which, btw, proudly told me that he acted in True Files, Frontline (chinese one on channel U), and lately, he just got a QUICK role in an upcoming movie that will be exclusively aired in japan and on Ch61 soon. go figure.. i can't figure out too...

that's what I wrote on that sign board and made my long lost friend, Steven, take a picture of shawn with the board in front of him.

it was fun with them around..
coz the moment they left.. it was utter boredom and I spent an hour and a half staring at the guy blowing up balloons and stuff...
and he prolly thought "What the hell is that stupid girl staring at me for?"

i think i shall stay away from ALL food that is junk (deep fried stuff) coz i think it's been giving me alot of problems lately.
A LOT of problems.
I feel like my intestines are too awfully greased up.
which makes me feel icky, and it makes me eat more for some reason. =S

okay, I gotta go now....