Responses, responses... :) Topics responded for today..
(refer to Jezzeler's blog)
Many would know, I am definitely not up for a conversation that's dealing with religion, or parts of it with snippets of religion put into it. (long story, but to make it short: 9 years of catholic teachings drilled into a buddhist's mind, with all extremes of preachings involved.. i had to sit in together with others for mass, the only thing I enjoyed was the Homily. Whatever that meant, but the philosophy of it, were at times enlightening when the minister was just speaking in terms of common sense.)
But anyways, just to talk on faith alone. Faith is like trust. It is the basics of basics in terms of the fundementals of putting a part of your personal space in the hands of someone whom you have a strong enough bond with. In order to trust a person, or an animal, or even your ball-point pen, you have to have that little bit of faith.
In my perspective, Jezz, I think Faith and Trust, these two subjects (how else can I call them?) are a married couple.. they complement each other perfectly well. It's like the only natural thing to do.
(heh.. in all truth.. I didn't read all of what you've written there.. the green is just killing me... Pastel colours go best with black)
But anyways, faith... is this universal thingy that sorta like holds and bonds people and the world together.. Don't really know what sense I'm making into this... but --- oh, nevermind. Next part of the topic...
I strongly agree that trust is a... Trust thing. hahaha... okay, no sense in that.. Let me try again.. Trust, is usually a mutual thing that's really very misunderstood. It kinda blows things out of proportion most of the time.
Well, see... since trust is more like a mutual thing, you tend to assume that the other person knows how much trust you lay in them.
However, it is important to acknowledge the fact that Trust, is like Love. You HAVE to say it to let it be known. you have to be totally frank when you trust a person. That's how you get the things done your way sometimes..
Just recently, I've been lied to by a person whom I thought I could trust. Rather pissed off and a whole load of disappointed as I was, it took me some time to think things through.
I realised, I didn't tell that friend of mine how much I trusted him. Rather, I just told him what sort of trust I put in all my close friends. I treated him like a close friend, in fact, he was rather dear to me. I'm afraid he still is, even though he's lied to me(i think).
So you see.. You have to tell people exactly how much you trust them. Make it known. show it, say it, write it out. Coz only then, you can gain the person's trust and you can in the same time, he/she would gain your trust too.
In trust, honesty plays a HUGE part. I must emphasize on that. Honesty plays a really really huge part. You'd agree with me, that you'd only trust a person when he or she is extremely honest. Honest as in sincerity, truthfulness and humbleness.
Don't you think so too?
well, it's friggin' 0136, 1 Jan 2004!!!!
Happy New Year everyone!! :D *does a new year's dance and makes LOADS of noise*
anyways, I have no idea what I was talking about..
Perhaps, if my mind is clear tomorrow, I will re-do this response thingy....
As of now,
I'm going to sleep. Zzz....
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i'm working on it.Previous Posts
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- HA!! Revelations! No doubt, they're lame ones... ...
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- Weee!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Jerry (and here i thought ...
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- okay, I think I've messed up my blog... *makes a f...
- Response to today's topic... Knowledge I have be...
- In response to Jezzeler's... this was yesterday's ...
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