
Revelations again...

Ever knew or remembered how much it's like to be a kid all over again?
I bet that feeling is so fleeting, you can't recognise it most times.
That's just because you were enjoying that short period of time so much and you were too busy filing away that ghost of a memory, to even enjoy and savour that feeling, of being a kid.

Often times, I have many childish antics that I do and say that triggers those care-free feelings. Albeit quite cruel, but I get the fun out of it. Yes, I love people dissing. *sheepish grin* But other than that, having just plain teasing fun with my lovable friends sets off care-free childish feelings too.

But, you know, I hardly remember things from my childhood that has happy feelings and care-free thoughts.. It's only the darker side of childhood that many remember. Like how we got punished for doing a simple wrong thing. Or how we fell down and got our knees scrapped while practising for the B-ball Inter-schools Zone competitions. It's the painful, sad stuff that we tend to remember.

I suppose we only remember them coz it's part and parcel of how the brain works. I don't know.. I'm just assuming that the brain remembers the mistakes far well better than the good stuff so that with these filed up memories of mistakes, it'll be like a constant nagging reminder not to repeat that same mistake another time.

I think it'll be better though, if one could remember the good stuff better. The brain allows that too... just that it allows that only when you're in the extremes. Meaning, when you're at your wits' end. On the verge of giving up hope, only then, the ghost of a good memory would come up. It also highly depends on how you work. Would you continue being that negative? Your brain has given you little hope, it's really up to you to fight your own battles.

But anyway, back to the topic at hand... As I was saying on how the extremes.. I've touched on one extreme, the other would be when you have everything going on perfect for you. It's only in the times when you don't take things for granted, then things start going the way you want it to be. Like just being plain humble. Yea, I guess if you were plain humble, you'd remember stuff better. I think that's because you don't give too much thought to comtempt and greed or any other ill thoughts that lead to corruption of the mind.

I think you get what I mean by now... but just give this a further thought in your free time.. :)