
Terra... where's your _______?

fill in the blanks...
Listening to: Five for fighting ~*~ Something about you
Mood: --

Heh.. I was just realising how amusing my pet cat could get.. going wild over a smelly sock. *grimaces* Sometimes, all I do is just wave the sock about and she goes jumping up and down, standing on her hind paws and meowing like how a kid would to get a lollipop from a favourite aunt.

I put a red collar around her neck late last night, just so I could watch her meow in agony for being tagged as "belonged to" and watch her go mad with trying to get the collar out. She gave up after a good long battle of 45 minutes. Amusing indeed. She was lucky her head didn't collide with a wall again. I find that she has a tendency of being THAT dumb..

Other than sleeping at 2.43am last night, I woke up at the usual 9am.. oh well...
Anyways, Stanley, one out of the two best friends of Haydern's.. kept me updated on haydern..

He's still out cold.. sleeping like a log, he only woke up to ask the nurse for a cup of water, and then he went back to sleep again. At least he woke up.. that's a good sign! =) hmm, so I can be rest assured he'll be fine now...

but.... (yes, there's ALWAYS a frigging BUT) well, I still can't find my testimonial, and it's stressing me out, and literally driving me insane! That one A4-sized, laminated piece of brown paper with some 350 words on it, describing my character and behaviour in school with the very vaguest of details... ARGH!

Vague, but rather true, mind you..

anyway, I got onto the topic of my late uncle Richard.. he died last year, a little after Chinese New Year... due to a sudden heart attack and left my Aunt Lindey in shock.. she was just so lost on what to do, and is still denying the facts of reality. I wouldn't blame her, it's a loss so great to her..

but my Aunt Kim (she's sister to both mom and Lindey), insists that aunt lindey ought to have picked up those shards of broken pieces already and get a move on with life. Moping about isnt' gonna help anything (that I agree), but I argued back that aunt lindey wasnt' ready to carry on. And all aunt kim said was "that lindey is just so stubborn"

oh please!

give the lady a break!!!