
blah bleh blue.. blue? eh?

I'm slumped in my annoyingly hard back chair, listening to Cafe Del Mar and Buddha Bar stuff. It's good.

Just ended a little chit-chat with Michelle. :) she's doing good, or she seems to be.. which is a good thing.

Okay, the weekly stuff up next.

The Thursday Threesome:

::Ripped from the Headlines::

Our thanks to everyone who contributed to Sarah's fun request last week. Some will work and some kinda' sorta' won't, but you'll see them interspersed in the coming weeks. First up, Sya is going to make me earn hers :

Onesome: Ripped--
Ripped and torn asunder? Do you have a memorable "ripped clothing" moment in your life? No? How about in someone else's? Come on, you know you have something to contribute!

Oh yeah, when I was like 7.. my mom brought me to the park to roller-blade.. You guessed it, I fell on my bum (which resulted with a chronic minor disk misplacement, still hurts up till today which is 10 years later) and my shorts spilt in the seams. Embarrassing, but thank gods mom decided it would be a wise idea to bring an extra set of clothes for me. :)

Twosome: from the--
From the archives: What's changed on your website over the last year? ...a redo? ...a change of pace? ...or is it still business as usual?

Blah, I've had 7 new looks from last year till now. At least 3 different writing styles. The pace have always been the same, at least once a day, or twice a day.. sometimes more, sometimes I don't blog at all. :P

Threesome: Headlines--
Are you a Headline Nazi? I mean, do you ever look at a headline and ask yourself, "What were they thinking?" ...or, "What are they trying to say?" Then again, do you have a favorite headline that you'll always remember?

My favourite headline of all time, "..." um.. well, can't think of one.. too many things have happened.. I seem to forget everything.. :(

Friday's Feast:

What movie soundtracks do you own?

um.. none?

How much cash do you usually carry with you?

on a good rich day, $70?
on a normal day, $20
on a poor day, $4

Are you more comfortable around men or women? Why?

I'm okay with both. I don't really hold much interest in genders. they're just homo sapiens. lol.. :)

Main Course
What is the most mischievous thing you remember doing as a child?

hmm... Slapping a strawberry jam sandwich into my friend's face? no wait, it was adding all that rubbish into my enemy's can of coke. it had chilli, tomato sause, soup, coke, jello, milk, pickled vegetables.. the likes.. all it.. :) soy sause, pepper, vinegar, lots of vinegar. she actually drank it!! XD

Who is the funniest member of your family?

Um.. probably my older brother. :) he's good.

aight.. i'm outta here. i need my sleep. i had only 6 hours of sleep last night, and i didn't get my 40 winks just now.. *yawns* I'll be gone then..

*muacks* to all!
toodles! (: