
"Wanna try my Balls of fish?"

Balls of Fish? what the hell?!?
Mood: ridiculed

PS came up with some lame term the other day, yesterday I think.
She'd change Fishballs to Balls of Fish.
So assuming anything ending with "ball" becomes "balls of ______"...

Then we'd have this:

Balls of sotong
Balls of ping-pong
Balls of basket
Balls of meat
Balls of soft



Dammit. it's been going on non-stop between the Sinister Trio all through lunch and Micro B e-prac.


Naruto has taken over me!!! >____< it's sooooo fun to watch that cartoon.
You know, actually I vowed not to watch a serial cartoon like Naruto. Coz I'd end up getting hooked on to it, and I can't survive without it till it's over. That's how bad my addiction to cartoon is. I can ignore everything and everyone just for the sake of watching a serial cartoon I love watching.

So, sorry if I don't pay attention to you. heh heh heh...

naruto rocks!!! *does the head-banging thing*


Was reflecting on the situation of that cool blast of tsunami in Thailand... but that means that once again, my trip overseas has been cancelled.. =(

Though it's killed over 68,000 people.. (and the numbers are still going up..

It's heart breaking to watch those broken people, telling their stories of the things that were so precious to them, it was their lives.. now, they have nothing, no one, and will have to start all over from scratch.

This is worse than before... the death rates are rising slowly but surely, and increasingly saddening every second more that I keep hearing it...

This won't end very soon.. not very soon indeed.

I'm blessed to be in Singapore. Although should a tsunami or volcano erupt and hit the shores of singapore... that'll be it for me folks! I'll see all of you in like 6 months then.. ;)

Hahaha... anyway, I am off to do my organic chemistry tutorial homework...
See you guys in a bit.. expect lesser blogging from me.. toodles!