
marcus is one funny-arsed idiot...

=) kudos to marcus for trying to make me laugh..
he sure did so! haha!!
he wrote this story for his HSC extension english paper..

let me take an excerpt out for you to read:

"Death was crawling on all fours, sifting frantically through the dirt.

"Where is it? Where is it?"

He had knocked off his finger when he accidentally banged his hand into a tree stump, and the rogue bone had landed somewhere in the vicinity.
He was so preoccupied in trying to find his finger that he didn't hear the running footsteps, and Olaf was himself so preoccupied looking behind him he didn't notice the figure crouching in his path.

A moment later, Olaf was lying on the ground, groaning. Death was rubbing his back gingerly.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked the boy.

"Olaf," said the boy dizzily, his stomach still burning. Furthermore, he had landed hard and something was painfully sticking into his back. He reached around behind him with his hand and came up with a dismembered finger-bone.

"Oh! There it is! That's my-"

Olaf yelped with surprise once his mind registered what the object was, and he cast the bone away into the bushes.

"-finger..." his voice trailed off with an audible groan.

"Oh, I'm sorry-" Olaf began, but then he happened to look up into the face of the figure, and yelped once more.

It was bad enough seeing a walking skeleton in a big black robe, but it was much worse when said skeleton was holding a very, very big scythe, and you had just carelessly thrown away said skeleton's finger.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

Death stared at him.

"You wouldn't happen to be Death, would you?"

"How many other walking skeletons do you know?"

"Well there was Crazy Old Wilson, he was basically a walking skeleton-"

"Did he have a big shiny scythe?"

"Well... no... it was rather on the small side-"

"Then it's not the same. Say..." Death stared at him critically, "You have nice fingers..."

"Err... you wouldn't like them, they get all tangled up in things and umm... they're... broken,” he said lamely.

"They don't look broken to me,"

"Oh yes, tragically broken, can't even move them! Totally useless. Uhh, you going to kill me?"

"I don't kill people, my job takes place after they are killed. Duh."

"You turn up at every single death?"

"No, I only have to appear at special occasions such as these" he waved a bony four-fingered hand in the direction of the village, and began to wander off."

=D classic, just so classic. haha!

anyway, timetable's out.
i don't reckon i like it, but i'm okay with it...

alrighty... gotta go now!