
19th nov 05

haha... so yeah, here comes an update..
i slept in today! yay! haha.. woke up at 11 (just a few minutes ago)..

anyway, the week has been okay.. i can feel the stress building up in terms of school work. every one knows they can't complain this semester, simply because we haven't got the time to do so. amazin', hurh?

So yeah.. i haven't met up with either debra or serica in a WEEK. goodness, i miss them. Life is SO boring without those two..
But debra starts school on monday, i just kinda gave her that 'start-of-term' speech and i bet she was rolling her eyes while she read that sms i sent her.. haha.. ahh well...

I really have to buck up my grades if I wanna get a high-flying (and paying) job. Hell, let alone get into a good university.
I'm stumped on where I should go for my attachment. I only know I don't want to do parasitology. I think I'd like to do something on the pedeatrics ward.. but it's on allergens. The DSO seems pretty whack, samples A, B, C and D. haha... heaven knows if i get to handle stuff like resin! but mr richard says we'll prolly only do stuff like on that heat-shock protein stuff... that means, a heck load of thermodynamics.
=( I hate thermodynamics.

the interesting thing about the attachment briefing was this one: Sanjeet's dad owns a company. His dad's a scientist. now, get this.... They research on erectile deficiency!!!

you know what i mean by that right? hahahaha.... i was bloody amazed at what they had to offer there... experimenting on a poor baboon. I think that poor monkey has been KO-ed more than any other in the world!

hmmm... well, anyway, i better go off now...
i'll update, in a week?