
taiwanese drama

you know, i seem to think that dramatism lies in the blood of the beholder.
as such, it seems to me that well, all taiwanese people seem to be overly dramatic.
they could rival one of JK Rowling's most celebrated character - Professor Sybill Trelawney.

I think they beat that character hands down. ;)
My dad just flipped on to this channel on SCV that I thought mom longed cancelled.
She just told me it added some life to the tv some how, that's why she didn't cancel it.
i mean, weather girls in bikini's are a sure way to wake up to, I think.
and, warring politicians and diplomats are a splendid way of saying goodnight...
PLUS, gigglish taiwanese actresses answering to the press about their busts sure is a candid way of cheering a perverse (and sardonic) mind up.

Heaven knows why we need drama in our lives.
Lest it be a tad bit boring.

Remind me again why need tv's?

anyway, i haven't blogged in um... yeah, a day. ahaha.. i think..
been busy trying to read through my books yesterday while taking care of the fishes..
Took me a good 4 hours to get the room back in order.
i swear, they don't keep the room clean at all.
oh right, before i EVEN start on the cleaniness factor, I've found little bugs infesting the place.. if only i can find out where all their manifestation comes from, i'll be able to hit jackpot and get the cleaner aunties to come in and clear off the place....

i'm having the slightest hint of annoyance with those bugs. they're like EVERYWHERE.
in the waters, on ALL the shelves, the bench tops, thank god they haven't taken to the food.

Speaking of which, i found a maggot in the frozen brineshrimp while feeding the fishes yesterday. i mean like, EW!!! maggots in the food...
that's just horrible man.

anyway, the new notes are whoa. a whole new thing.
perhaps i'll read them after i get my lab coat washed....
the notes are just positively... incomprehensible!!! (not.)... hahahaha
nah, they're readable just fine... a little hard to grasp in the later part for some (like say, protein tech) and a little easier as we go along (like med micro tho i doubt that's the case)..

i wish they'd have sold the notes a little earlier.. instead of making us wait till the last week before school reopens.
perhaps 2 weeks before would be great.... or 3.. i wouldn't mind 3 weeks. I might be able to cover all the books by then.

anyway, i think i've babbled enough random stuff.. hmm..
maybe not.

for the past 5 nights, i've taken to listening to this really old but all time favourite chamber orchestra cd dad gave me when i was 10.. in his bid and attempt to get me to listen to classical music.. i never was one to listen to much classical stuff till i was like 16.. hahaha...
i always listened to what he called 'trashy music' like good ol' rock. =D
*smirks* in fact, i still do, and he kinda likes rock too. anytime better than pop and r&b.

dad thinks r&b are for people who don't study. coz most of the time, the songs just repeat themselves with no meaning wotsoever..
i kinda agree.. but the beats are just sooooo good to nod your heads to!

anyway, haha.. yeah.. about that orchestra music...
damn.. you know, i played the whole cd over and over and over again for the past 5 days, that by the time i crawled into bed on the 2nd night, with all the lights out, computers and all radios switched off, i SWORE i heard the music of those familiar strings resounded in my ears till i drifted off to sleep..

when i wake up, the music just fills my mind over and over again, and each time i listen with more intent concentration to the songs, i just hear more and more instruments being played. like every thing was in harmony, sounding like what all orchestras should, BUT at the same time, i could hear every single pull of the bows on the strings, every single instrument present, I can hear them..

It provided such an euphorium for me, actually.
never felt quite as pleased about it as before! =)

anyway, my family played mahjong just the other night. with chamber music playing on the speakers as we played. it was SUCH a quiet affair... but we liked it. hahahaha..

alright, i shall go get my labcoat washed thoroughly now.. hahah...
then read till tonight.
thank god gary's not coming home tonight.
I get to use the pc again. we got this new pc...
160GB, i have no idea what the processor is, but it processes information 100x faster than the previous one.. hahaha.. lovely lovely!

alrighties, off i go then..
all of you behave now!
cheerios and toodles...!