
i'm WISE!!! or maybe not?

oh god.. why did you create mundane and painful things such as wisdom teeth?

My wisdom teeth (3 of 'em: 2 at the right jaw, 1 on the bottom left) have been trying to stretch out and grow non-stop..
hurts a fucking lot, but hey.. =)
i'm wise?

maybe not.

ah. screw it.

anyway, 50 minutes till the second i kiss 2005's fuckin' ass SAYONARA, and welcome in my lovely and torturous 2006.

yes, i can just see it now... '06 isn't gonna be any more pleasent than what i have today, this year.
it's just gonna another bullshit-allergic year.


when will everyone learn to GROW UP and stop being prissifying acts of insanity and practice some self-control?

see, we have IDIOTS like frigging osama bin laden, and cranky mr saddam, and hell knows who else we have on the list. jesus christ, save us AGAIN, will ya?
or has god literally WALTZED out the front door on a permanent vacation?

if next year isn't any better than this year, i don't know if civilisation can last for another 3 decades.
honestly, we'd be ripping out other people's heads, limbs and um.. eyeballs and nuts and bolts.. and oh whatever.

have a merry and happy new year, and keep your head in for a raincheck, you buffons.
yes, i can be a buffon sometimes too, just like you.
shut up, eat some shit and go and die or something.

you're a lovely person too. yeah.