
wow.....i'm so bored...

My nightly EDIT..
Listening to: Josh Groban ~*~ Caruso
Mood: Bummed out

*sighs* haven't heard from haydern... thought I'd receive a message from him, but it turned out to be char's intranet.. she told me she hadn't heard from him either since yesterday afternoon. She told she'd pass me a letter after her mid-year's.. I do hope to spend some time with her.. I miss her loads loads LOADS!!! >.<

I haven't been feeling well either.. haha.. *bemused look*
have been sleeping the entire day. since after gary got home, then I slept for like 30 minutes then, edwin and mom came home. I heard mom wanting to bring edwin to get his new glasses ("SPECKIE FOUR EYES!!") but knowing her, I know she'd fall sick if she went out under that hot sun... don't want her to be sick, so I jumped out from bed and volunteered to bring edwin to the optician's to get them..

The sun was blazing hot, I'm telling ya.. you could get a slight tan in like 30 minutes if you're already tanned.. and for me... I'd be fried and looking like a lobster if I was under the sun directly for an hour or so constantly.. I know I was hit by the heat wave.. was kinda dehydrated.

After we got home, I changed back into my PJ's and got into bed...that was at about 4pm.. slept all the way till 7pm... heard dad come home at about 6pm.. aw man.. don't know if I can sleep tonight, not..

Weather's still really hot.. I feel like I've just got home from after a golf game in malaysia.. feeling hot all over. >.< hate feeling that way.. makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Anyway, I guess I'll go edit that template...
Don't have my linkies in them..

Toodles for today,
Au Revior!

Afternoon EDITS!
Listening to: Blue ~*~ Breath Easy
Mood: *sighs* sleepy... tired... exhausted

it's a good thing I stayed home today..
not going out today anyway...
and umm... yeah, well, haven't heard from haydern in like over a day... hope he's okay..
*shrugs nonchalantly*

anyways, it's soo sooooo hot here in singapore. I bet you if i went out for just an hour, and i sit or stand there, facing the sun, I'd be: dehydrated, and super burnt..
And it'll be an instant tan for me.. muahahah.. great day to go swimming, but nah.. I think I favour indoors today. *smiles* can sleep...

okay, will blog tonight..

Oh wow...
Listening to: Micheal Buble ~*~ Moondance
Mood: um, okay, i guess..

Blogger's got a fucking new look!!! it's frigging GORGEOUS!!
anyway, woke up at 9am today.. so bored. I was left home alone today.. oh well..
nothing much i can do about it.. I should be glad I get to be home alone now..
I wonder where Terra is... hmmm..I'll go disturb her later to see if she wants anything to eat.

will post later... toodles!

Till then, write later..
*~Au Revoir~*