
Freak you, freak everyone

expectations overestimated? No idea, better just to keep mum about it.
Mood: bemused, yet again.

I guess, after all that previous stuff about NYP PALs, the only thing I've learnt from it, is to keep my distance away from the seniors, every single one of them.

That's what Jasrie even told me earlier on when I related some stuff to him.

Today's interview, I feel, perhaps mom was right about me being sensitive, but perhaps it's just me being freaking paranoid, but the stuff I had to answer today, all had to do with personal experiences that I encountered with the seniors.

Well, not all of it, it's just one that didn't happen to me, is all.
But the rest of it, I'd experience it some how or another.
Makes me start wondering, are they out to get back at me? Or are they just making the whole thing too easy for me?

As with how I could just relate those situations only too well, was because they'd happened to me just in a mere 5 months ago. Seriously.. biasness? I have not a clue to which it is to be.

In any case, the whole thing dragged on for an extra 50 minutes. I thought that if I could get the whole interview done fast, chop, and well-thought over with, I could leave like an hour earlier, meet up with Amanda and go shopping or something.

Unfortunately, 3.50pm was when I walked out of NYP McD's, mobile connected to Amanda's, apologising for not picking up her missed calls and all that.
Oh well, it'd been raining, so it aint' too bad.

I'd thought Kelvin would've slaughtered me worse than ever, perhaps after he reads the previous 3 entries (including the one on my brother), he'd be ready to slaughter me as usual.

I was the first one to get 'slaughtered' at the one-on-one, 'up close and personal' session with the panel judges. I freaking hell expected that. I even expected Kelvin to be the one to voice out his unhappiness about my entry, which no doubt said nothing less than along the lines of them seniors being super unhappy for us being late, or rather, for ME being late, and them waking up on the wrong side of bed.

Why he'd get so upset over such a matter, even luigi is puzzled by it. (much less debra and my parents) I'd reasoned with them, that he's got this stubborn mindset that he'll just stick to the emotion he felt at that exact point of time, and he'd never ever ever ever change that mindset. Ever. Period.

I was almost there.. So on the dot. So, as expected, Kelvin shot me with a thousand and one questions (or rather, I felt that it was) about that ONE particular situation. And I shot him back with all the answers that I'd prepared the past 12 hours or so. Thank goodness I did, or I'd have gave such cold answers, all four judges would have died on the spot. Knowing how hot-headed I can be, it's good I ran through what sort of nonsense any of them could shoot at me in that stress-filled session. I'm gonna get more white hair soon. Thank goodness I haven't dyed my hair as of yet.

Oh, I feel so sorry for Evelyn.. she was in my team for the interview session. :S
I could've helped her, but the judges said specifically for ONLY evelyn to answer the question. If Jasrie and I were to answer, wouldn't that mean that we were butting in? If so, didn't that mean that we were being nosy. Stressful on my poor team mate.. It was only near the end of the interview that the seniors told us that Jasrie and I SHOULD have helped her.

How were WE to know that we could help her out, when instructions were clearly given to her? haiz.. so much for following instructions huh?

Evelyn's never good in her language, that so much Jasrie and I found out when we were discussing about the senario given to us. She told us she didn't really grasp hold of the situation, so we went through it with her about 4 times, but she still hadn't grasp the situation's ENTIRE problem properly.. I doubt she even understood what we were trying to tell her. Except for the part where there was an internal conflict with the planning committee, and what are we (juniors) to do to make sure that this situation will be a success.

Poor Evelyn, I really felt like giving her some form of immediate pill for language speaking..

She really hadn't any clue how to form her thoughts into words, and her brain wasn't thinking fast enough, she just clearly wasn't on the same track as all of us..

And there was a bit of tension and biasness against her, I saw..
Everytime she tried to speak out, she got cut off half way.. :S I don't know why.. perhaps it's her inability to speak out her mind properly and her inability to think fast, and formulate her thoughts in to proper words and speak in proper sentences.. I wonder how she's going to survive next time in public speaking.

Perhaps, with a bit of training, she'll do better in the future. She doesn't really have a problem with her confidence really.. but if she should keep up this habit of speaking in broken sentences, she'll be down the drain even if she had the best of talents...

Anyway, Evelyn aside.. well, I'm not gonna say too much more. Later, when Kelvin will read this (which I'm most definitely sure he'll read it sooner or later) he'll be sure to comment about it should I say anything more. Alot of comments. And then, the same routine starts all over again. I shall sit at the laptop, let him type till he's happy and so comfortable with typing all he wants, and I'll be there "yeah, okay, yeah... oooh.. icic... yeah... hmmmm... is it? oh man... hahs.. hmmm.. okie.. yea.... orh... sure thing.. try not to lah... sorry ah.. my mistake again.. yah...hmmm... yah... okok.... is it... okay lah.. next time I don't do that lor... yah... ok... hmmmm... sure sure... yah... hahs.. thanks ah.. point out my mistakes ALLL over again"

One of these days, I must find something wrong and hard that I can pint point on him for.

Instead of me doing all the yah-ing and hmmm-ing ALL the time, perhaps it'll be his turn to do all that mundane yah-ing and hmmm-ing.

Anyway, OOOOH!!! Just recieved the next meeting time for Youth in Action.. it's next saturday, 9.30am.. bwahhas.. can't wait.

Mr J says a lot of us didn't do well for MicroA.. so look out for the supp papers, k peeps. So far, only 0401 received calls from their mentor about which papers they'll have to do. So not fair.. (I mean, as in like, if we DO have to do supp papers)

Haiz.. oh well..

hmmmm.... I'll be off to help Char with her stuff for her blog then..
Toodles then....