
Weekly shits.

not doing Thursday Threesomes coz it's mundane to do it.
Mood: tired out

thought i'd do the weekly shits before I go rest.. so yeah...

Friday's Feast:

Make up a word and give us its definition.
bunghole: ass hole. but i think everyone knew that one already..

What is currently your favorite song?
um... okay, Lindsay Lohan's "I decide"

What's at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
Get me a digicam. the whole SLR-digicam set, with light lenses.

Main Course
Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life.
The smell of Dad's Marlboro Lights.. the one with the golden wrappings.. reminds me of dad... it's a unique scent only dad gives..

Who is someone on television that you feel probably shouldn't be, and why?
hmmm... I don't know their names. I just flip the channel the moment I see their faces. I can't be bothered with so much as their names.

Unconscious Mutterings:

Plot :: of land
Farce :: eh?
Unexpected :: turn of fates
Siren :: eeeeeeee-oooorrrrrhhhhhhhh..... heh, right?
Ben :: Affleck
Freshman :: that's me.
Quicksand :: Quicksilver
24 hours :: the show
Spunky :: funky
Vicious :: cycles