
oooooh!!! fun! :D

lots and LOTS of it with PeiSuan!!!
Mood: =D

Yeah, so there's an improvement of moods with the change of ONE key.





hahahahas.. okok.. lame.
but anyway. I went down to town with PeiSuan and Allison today. To do our NE project (and so those in MB04-06, better start on it soon, the due date's approaching fast).

We went down to Orchard Road, took pictures of Shaw Tower, Tangs building and then we went down to Far East Plaza to check out bags for Allison, before her cockroach came.. hahs..

PeiSuan and I then headed down to Raffles Place, to get some pictures of Fullerton hotel.. sweet.. ahahs.. but not much of it.. :S

Then, we went bonkers and started taking lame stupid pictures of lamp posts, boats, statue cats, statue kids, and then finally, we crashed and took pictures of ourselves.. as usual.. hahas! :P

So after all that picture taking, we just talked and crapped and basically lost our way round the place.. >__< took us like 20 minutes before we found the nearest MRT station.. hahas! That was at Clarke Quay..

Then after that.. yeah, I came home.. I'm aching all over from carrying this kick-ass 8KG load on my shoulders, and walking over dunno how many kilometres today!! geez..

It's like going for a 9-hole golf game..


Tomorrow, I'm drilling PeiSuan on her saxophone playing skills.. I know nuts about it, but she says she'll need my help either way since I know SOME shit about music.. so yeah.. hahas.. I drill her for saxophone, she teaches me Inorganic Chemistry. It's a win-win situation.. :D

Wednesday, I might have SCL-exco meeting. Not sure about it. Need to pester gimmy to ask ms ang about it.. or maybe i'll pester chris to pester albert to hold a meeting.
We need to get the CNY gathering fine-tuned, or we'll never have anything done.

Then, next.. oh yeah.. hahs.. no homework today!! so happy!! hahas.. =D

But that means I get my chance to start on my revisions. To watch Tim get started on his revisions since a week ago, is a worrying matter for I've not exactly started on mine.


In any case, school was great today (seeing as there weren't any Cell Bio lecture) and I had only 2 classes, an hour per class. sweet! *grins*

It feels like it's gonna rain.. praise the skies, I was hoping and praying that I'd have a cold evening tonight. Hopefully it'll rain. I want it to rain tonight.. Even for just a while..


Mr Jay was sitting in for today's lecture.. I was 15 minutes late. "oh shit. Jay's here. and I'm 15 minutes late too. wow. this is puuuur-fect." was the first thing that came into my mind when I caught sight of my wonderfully flamboyant mentor.. (he's the best liked in school, apparently. to me, he's okay)

Anyway, yeah.. PeiSuan got SUPER high today. =D and she didn't have any qualms in dragging Allison and I down too.. hhahaa.. that girl never ceases to amuse me. Although, sometimes, I feel like taking the back seat and watch her have her fun.. hahas.. too much fun for me ain't a great thing.

Oh, on a more serious note, I had a heartburn again last night.. it's getting more frequent nowadays.. I better watch what I eat, or I'll be getting a heart attack really soon.. >__< I don't wanna die painfully.. hahs..

It really feels like a burning red-hot knife plunging through your chest, where the heart is.. and as the time goes along, wheen I get more heatburns, it gets worser, day by day.. =S

haahhas.. soon, I'll hear the doctor telling me "quit stressing yourself out and relax a little more, k?" I'm telling you, I slack too much for my own good!! ^__^


Okay, so yeah, I'll stop here.
Time to go do my revision...

Toodles! ;)