
Trying out something different

Hi guys!

It's me, bloggist #25 here... in-charge of the nitty gritty details of how reader-friendly this blog should be.. =)

anyway, we're trying out something really quite different this time around, not sure if you guys will like it, but if you look around, the date format's different, there isn't anymore subtitles, nor is there any MOODS displayed.

I'm pretty sure you'll know how our author feels pretty much nowadays (like crazy, but she's like that everyday now)... so, yep.. Hence, the changes! to make sure she can't go crazy any longer. lol

BUT, we hope you like this new style, there'll be more changes coming up by bloggist #36 soon. bloggist #36 is in-charge of the major layouts, i'm only doing the blog interface. lol..

Yep yeps, author will be taking over now! toodles! ;)

haha.. yeah yeah, okay so that was lame. whatever. =P
i know you guys get amused by that anyway. haha.. anyway, today I woke up at 8, even though I slept at around 2am the night before.
Went out for breakfast with my mom and my two brothers. Dad's out in malaysia again..
golfing.. hehe..

Well, nothing's going on much today. Going to work in about 2 hours, then after work, I'll be helping debra out at her stall at Youthopia.. I like that place, but I reckon it could be bigger.

OH! I was at kovan all last week.. okay, this week. but yea, calling all skaters, and BMX-ers.. or stunt guys on wheels.. lol.. there's this mini skatepark down at kovan (yes i'm THAT slow) but it's looking VERY much pathetic.. with just ONE ramp and one rail... we could do with more if you guys kept going down to check it out and use the place more than often. ;)
I think it belongs to the community centre just across the road, so, go check it out. I think if you guys went there more, they'll upgrade to better ramps and stuff.. so yeah, it'll be worth the visit.. (benefitting to the masses' cause) and at least it'll give the girls something to look at while waiting for the buses to come in to the hub.. lol

Well, it's 9.22am, I need to go get ready for work..
I have to keep a log about how long I've worked, just to make sure they pay me well enough..

I was thinking of doing this videoblog thingy.. but I have no idea how to do it..
can someone be kind enough to guide me along, step by step?
Seriously, I need help on this.. lol..

I don't mind purchasing down my own domain actually..
hmmmm.. that could be a VERY good idea.
anyway, if any expert in IT web designing and web interface is reading this (i know amanda can't be bothered to help me out much.. lol.. too busy being solemn.. so cute! ahahs..) please do help me out, mail me at anjelline@gmail.com

Alternatively, if you have a site that has the OBVIOUS basics to doing up a java-scripted, flash-based oriented website, pray tell, do voice it out to me via the tagboard. (that's bloggist #4 talking actually. =])

Okay, that said and done...
you guys should go support Damien Rice.. he is COOL. not cute, but that's okay. He is COOL. =)

bye for now!
your very friendly (but kicks ass) bloggist/author-of-anjelline86.blogspot.com,

Toodles! ;)