
The cut.

Do I make the cut?
or am I just below it?
Am I of your standards?
Do I hit your expectations?
Many times we wonder,
wonder if we are of society's heightened standards.
Obviously we all aren't, or we won't be competing with each other,
for that top spot.

I'm not at the top,
I don't wish to be.
I'd rather be happy where I'm at, than to move an inch more forward.
Then again, everyone around me is moving, faster than I can catch my breath, say hello, appreciate the little wonders in life, make memories with my friends, make an impact on their lives, rather than that of mindless critiques who don't give a damn about you after you show them that one piece of work, which they condemn to smithereens.
Which is better?

Slowing down, to appreciate, and enjoy...
or picking up the pace, never slowing, never stopping, never caring, just to hit the top?

only to find out:
you were never the top to begin with.

Not till you're mad scientist Albert Edison Einstien.
or the great Luis Pasteur and whatnots.

I made another attempt to get my hair back in shape yesterday.
Mom said it look considerably better.
Thanks to the guy-who-isn't-gay who cut my hair. he's good, for a guy.

Spastic says as spastic does.
so who is spastic?
the spasticated spazness of a spastic idiot is just like.....(fill your name in here), who doesn't know that being spastic is so uncool, but does it anyway.
who is spastic?
you are.