

sooooooo... here i am. again.

whahahahaha..... >__<
i'm going mad here. Anderson sec's mr Tok doesn't want to call back.
i'm on to 8 projects. I have yet to study for my supp's.....

I think i'll just do some biostatistics today... hahaha... heh.. hai.... (-_-)
oh well..
anyway, ugh.. this is so frustrating..... >__<
I don't wanna go for the orientation dry run, but i gotta be there since i'm in-charge...
Now I REALLY have to cancel with manda coz they said we have to go back... just nice. On 4th May. ugh. how perfect hurh?
yes, the sacarsm was intended, if you didn't know that.

Sometimes I wonder why I have to do so many things... what am I running away from?
Why do I give myself so much work? Run away from WHAT exactly?
These questions, maybe I'll ponder on them some other day... I really want to think about it now, but unlike manda, i don't have a swimming pool in the neighbourhood which i can access anytime I want to, so I can't possibly go to a quiet place to think and ponder on such questions.

Albert, president of SCL club (i'm just his assistant, apparently), came down today... he couldn't get in touch with me coz his grandmother passed away and he'd been back to indonesia for about 3 weeks, he just got home last weekend...
He asked me to ponder over this really interesting question he presented to me over our drinks just now after the Orientation briefing..

What if one day, you find out that your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend-if you're a guy, is actually a transvesttite?
What would you do? would you dump shim? (okay, new word, shim.. whahah)
i mean, what will your reaction be?

A really good question to ponder on, I'd say...

anyway, rubbish and anxiety aside.....
i bid thee farewell!

Toodles! ;)