
it's always like this

I dunno. I end up with shit-long entries.. heh.

I've been spending the past 4 months, looking, staring hard, studying and observing the wonders of the setting sun. while it's best watched at the beach, I tend to beg to differ. I rather like the sun setting any where. More so at the familiar surroundings of my hometown, right smack in hougang.

The sun sets at rica's present home is splendid too, if not for the top floors blocking the actual splendour of it..

Watching the sunset gives me a melancholic feel. It's sort of like a heart-breaking moment that I have to myself every evening in the quiet of my brothers' room.
The moments are always melancholic, but to the brighter side of it, it makes me feel a weird sense of acheivement and satisfaction. I don't exactly know why...

but that's how it is, every night that I take a long look at the setting sun.

It may be a cloudy evening, where the rays of the sun penetrate through the clouds, giving it this magnificant feel. it makes you feel rather enchanted while taking your breath away.

It may be a cloudy evening again, but so cloudy that the sun disappears behind the clouds, and all you see are a range of colours and some drifting clouds.. and weak rays of sunlight trying to break free from those tinted clouds.

Or, if I'm lucky, some nights, I'd find myself staring longingly at an utterly cloudless, warm evening, where all I'd love to do would be to stick my body out of the window and attempt to reach out for a breeze. That's when it hits me, of the spectacular display of reds, orange, blues and yellows come flooding into my eyes.

So far, I've managed to catch 3 of those utterly cloudless, warm yet spectacular sunsets.. of which, I only took the camera out once. (I was too busy staring at the sunset the other two times)

what sorta sunset have you taken before?
and how did it make you feel? melancholic? nostalgic?