jeez... when is that final last straw coming?
Sometimes, I really do wonder what's been installed in my life for me...or do i actually have to put in the effort to create my own path and face my fates?
i think we all know i do better with the latter, right?
anyway, grandmother's in the hospital..
coz she's got phelgm in her lungs, and she smoked too much.
hopefully she doesn't go just yet..
I'm lucky i got to spend 2 whole weeks with her, aunt alice and uncle ricky back last year.
Those were the best. =)
but i couldn't take the engulfing smoke of her ciggs.
(insert random thought here)
hahaha... ah well..
(insert stupid comment there)
heh.. blargh!
okay, back to studying.
see, i'm people-oriented. you get to read what you wanted me to type.
;) in more ways than none, of course.
we know you know that i know we all love you.
don't fret.
happens when i take too much caffiene.
imma on a caffiene high.
toodles! :d
don't cringe. it'll cause you nightmares tonight.
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