gruesome... just so disgusting...
what I am about to show you is probably one of the most disgusting, heartless, cruel, abusive and murderous things that I've ever seen (or anyone, perhaps) done to a living creature.This person will not walk away from her crime uncaught. she will NOT.
This is seriously not for those with weak stomachs. Heed my advice and not go on with this post (unless you want your appetite to be ruined for the next month or so).
i'm warning you....
this is gonna get graphical.
you know what?
i'll just show you the first eight pictures.
the rest are seriously too brutal and gruesome to be shown to anyone at all..
but if you do want the rest of the pictures, then email me or leave a note with your email add...
i won't keep it in my inbox or my computer for any longer than the next 3 weeks.
that's all the time frame i'm giving you if you want the rest of the pictures. actually i shouldn't even give it to anyone.. it's just inhumane that some freak would even kill a life like that.
she really should be put to jail, caned and banned all her life from being any where NEAR to an animal. she is sadistic.
small pictures for the last 4 pictures for my lovely readers.
i don't want to kill your appetite too much.
someone please track this woman down and report her to the police, whereever she may be at. she needs to be taught a lesson.
i wouldn't want her around ANYONE. imagine - what if she does the exact same thing to a child? *shudders*
i can't imagine it.. if you can, you're sick.
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