
oh shit...

Listening to: Joss Stone ~*~ Super Duper Love
Mood: exhausted

right.. listening to your little brother talk non-stop at 3.30 in the morning, it's really boring, tiring and really well, he just puts me to sleep, that's all..

But he's my little brother, so I listen to him.

Anyway, his flight came in at 0215hours... had BurgerKing for supper.. hahah.. I had dad buy me that Shrek 2 huggable pillow.. it's got Puss in Boots on it.. sad, coz I wanted Donkey.. *shrugs* oh well.. nevermind, it's still got a cute character on it.

Slept at 0430 just now.. I'm so tired. Not sleepy, just tired.
I look like a zombie now.. hahah..

Good news! haydern's out of the hospital now, but his medical reports will be out in a few weeks time, we dont' know what to expect, but the doctors just told him to be really prepared.. but it's good that he's okay now. =)

Right now, as I watch my brothers be couch potatos, I'm thinking of what to post today. (yes, blogging is one of those spur of the moment things for me, I might get tired of it one day and stop blogging altogether)

Well, here's something... it's more of like what happened last night while I was online chatting with one of my good mates. It's about keeping to your promises and making sure you fulfil those promises as soon as you can. It's pretty obvious about who I'm talking about, he probably knows it too, and several of my good friends would know too, coz I was seething and blaring it out last night.

See, when I promise something to a friend, I plan to carry out that promise as soon as I can, so that the next time, I know that I can be trusted by that person. (in a way, I'm sucking up to the person, but it's only for my own benefit too, coz I know I'll be able to get the person to do things for me and I get results too)

But in some cases, when you do that, the person doesn't repay that efforts by doing the same when you need their help. It really sucks when that happens, coz when you're being promised something, you expect some sort of positive result soon, don't you? I'm sure you do.

Well, I've been promised some Biotechnology notes along with some complex chemistry notes and whatnot by a friend of mine sometime last year. (note that it's last year, and I mean it's like in September'03) I've had asked him if I could have those notes any time soon, and he said yes, I could, and he promised to give them to me by January.

January came and went, he told me he was busy, and I let him hold back, since I have till July when school starts, so 'what's the rush?' I thought.
And so did Feburary, March, April and May come and go. I mean, how busy could a person get? You can't even spare 5 minutes of your life for a friend who could benefit from those notes in more ways than one?
Okay, so you have a busy schedule, but when you say you're free, I think 'Why don't I go down to get the stuff?' and so I ask, and you tell me you want to rest? It's just 5 minutes of your time you won't even have to think of what you have to do. All you need to do is just haul those sheets of paper, the CD and the toy, and walk your damn ass down to the lift, and you'll see me waiting at the void deck. You dump those things to me, say a "bye" and walk back up to the lift, to your front door, to your room and you're back in bed. Hell, I don't think that's even FIVE minutes, that's only THREE minutes. Is that even so hard to accomplish?

I think it's really very difficult for you to accomplish that, for you keep holding it back for days, weeks, months! and soon, it'll be a year, a year and a half, two years. and then, you know what? Like I said, perhaps we can just forget about the whole notes matter. Coz I know I'll never see those notes till I graduate from that course and you'll be going "I'm giving those notes to my other 'sis'.. sorry."

So thanks alot, for ditching me twice in a row for that. And then just leaving me hoping really stupidly for thinking I could even have those notes to have a flip through and a comparison. You make me look so stupid like that, Junius. I have no idea why I let you get away with it all the time, perhaps it's because I know I can't trust you on keeping promises that take only a few minutes out of your time.

And I'll say it to you again, even if it's a one-day outing, you'd even forget to bring whatever you're supposed to bring and what can I say then?

'Sorry' isn't gonna make things change, and you know that.
'Sorry' can't get the things to me, you know that.
'Sorry' won't allow you to turn back time to run home to retrieve your stuff, you know that.
'Sorry' won't be but a sincere and very sheepish apology. And you know that too.

If you're wondering what bush I'm beating about here, I'm trying to tell you, don't make promises you can't deliver. Don't think of doing things when you know you can't make time for it. You made one commitment you can't fulfil. So, when you make promises, you only make them when you know you're really sure of it. 400% sure of it.