
let me freak....

This week, in The Thursday Threesome:

::Surprises in the Mail::

Onesome: Surprises-- Hey, do you like surprises? ...and what kinds? Birthday parties, dinners out? ...or are you one of those people who absolutely has to know what's going on before it happens?
Obviously i LURVE surprises... well, good surprises anyway. hahas.. hmm.. I like little little surprises.. I don't know, those little surprises that haydern always did for me always made me smile.. yeah..

Twosome: in the-- nick of time: How do you keep track of birthdays and anniversaries and events you need to remember but only occur once a year? ...and where is your bailout place for cards and such when you've cut things a little too close?
okay, I can never keep track of people's birthdays, it's the one thing I will ALWAYS forget. So, I write it out like in EVERY planner that I have.. haha.. still, I forget about them. My bailout.. heh.. okay, to be honest, I don't have bailout places to get those stuff.. I just walk into ANY gift shop, buy the cheapest thing, and scram outta there..

Threesome: Mail-- Mail Call! Did anything interesting show up lately besides the bills? ...and do letters and cards still make it to your place or have email and ecards taken it all over? Inquiring minds and all that...
hmm... well, the only interesting stuff that I look forward to is replies from universities that I apply to for fun.. hehehe.. they send me stuff like Enrolment forms, and all that, then I just chuck them aside and forget about it.. Well, at least I know I will be accepted into their schools in the future. :)
Once in a while, I do get personal letters, and cards. I still love those. I think it's definitely much more sincere to read a HAND-WRITTEN letter than to read an e-mail.

And going to Friday's Feast:
Who are 3 actors/actresses that you think are totally overrated?
Britney Spears, The Ozbornes, boybands

Admit something. Anything.
I love my boyfriend, and I'll love only him. (okay, that's so common)
I like talking to myself.. lol.. well, only when there's absolutely NO ONE around..

If you could take back one thing you've said in your life, what would it be?
oh shit.. alot of stuff you know.. um.. probably the stuff I might have said to haydern that hurt him?

Main Course
What symbol would best represent your personality?
the insanely huge grin and a sly look to go with it. oh, and the -__-||| look..

Choose a free gift: a daily back massage, dinner at a restaurant twice per week, or a brand new book twice per month.
A brand new book, twice a month. (that's also if it means like 2 weekends in a presidential suite of a 7-star hotel to do my reading to unwind..) *innocent grin*

Anyway, some ku ku posted something up.. said he/she was from nyp too.. okay, it's freaky you know, when you don't leave it that you're male or female. if this person's male, i wouldn't mind it.. but yeah, like what ian said, the person's ANNONYMOUS.. it could very well mean ANYONE from both genders.. and that freaks me out a little.. hmm.. but on the other hand, that ain't that bad.. lol.. means I'm popular with both sexes.. coooooool~~~! *wiggles eyebrows and grins*

I don't think I wanna be in Choir.. nypPALS would be kinda busy for me. And also there's Strings. I have to constantly remind myself that I joined strings out of pure idiocy.. haha.. really, I REALLY HONESTLY thought that playing a violin or a viola would be so cool.. i mean, it looks really really cool on tv the way the detmolder kammerorchestra played.. ahaha.. and the London Philharmonic Orchestra played... especially the strings.. wow.. *drools*
Haydern plays the piano and the saxophone (peisuan must be going "YES!! SEE?? only the COOL people will know how to play a sax! Sax rocks!") heh..well, when she says that last exclamation, it sounds HORRIBLY wrong.. really really very wrong.. *tsks away*

I'm glad my worst weeks in school are finally over, I can concentrate on my studies once more.. hahas.. I will work hard to get into UNSW.. my dream university.. *drools somemore* also, Jon's in Sydney.. I miss jon.. my dear dear best friend.. *muacks* I miss ya hun! no worries, I'll be there in sydney soon! hopefully you don't run off to adelaide hor..

hmm.. well, I gotta go do my reports...
toodles for now!!!