
To the vet's again!

coz Terra's been a naughty cat..
Mood: tired again

This is getting bad.. I'm always tired and all...
anyway, I called the vet up, the secretary lady told me to come down just to make sure that Terra'll be alright..

So yeah.. anyway, checked my gmail.. it's like flooded by the chairpersons from my workgroup.. this is crazy.. asking me to go for youth forums, and what nots.. this is absolute madness.. hahs. they're thinking of championing Me, Liru, Michelle (ong) and Amelia (chia) as Youth Ambassadors.. it's madness, I'm telling you..

Brought my cat to the vet's just now at 12 noon.. she pee-ed in the cage.. again.
She's a sissy I'm telling you... anyway, she made this hole in her abdomen, the vet said it's okay, since she's healed already..

So yeah.. still wondering what I'll out to do with debra's blog layouts.. hahs.. still no inspiration... jialart...

Char's leaving for HongKong at 8.30 tonight.. have a fun time there, lil sis!

WhenEVER will the stupid timetable come out? This is annoying. I'm going out to cut my hair.. if mom ever allows me.. it's looking dreadfully like some lion's mane nowadays.. and I hate it.. so ewwwww... *sighs* bah..

I'm meeting debra later.. at about 6pm.. to keep her some company.. apparently there was some creepy customer yesterday and some guy problems at work.. so yeah, just going down just so she can run off faster.. hahs..


OH!!!! there's another blood drive going on in school this coming January!! Can't wait for it.. This time I can donate without any permission from my parents man.. hahas.. January 10th to 13th... eh, weisheng!! go with me go donate, k? hahs...

Anyway, yeah...
bored bored bored bored!!! hahas...
waiting for time to pass by till I go shower and change and go down to bugis to get debra.. bah... This is sickening.. absolute BOREDOM.

frigging hell...

okay, don't mind me.. but i'm so frigging bored now...

you know what.. i'll just go do char's and debra's blog layouts now... hahas.. busy busy busy.. but still feeling soooo freaking bored!!!

oh this is confusing indeed! >__<