

today, mr matthew told us silliker's looking for students from nyp to do their paid attachments with them at their branch in Australia... freaking shiat!! hahaha...
it stated "Generous Paid Attachment to work in Australia" and if you don't get into the australia one, they still have "27 branches all over the world" to meet your demands at where you wanna be posted to. like soooooo cool! hee hee...

Hmmm.. then again, Havard university's offering attachment cum project thingy with them over in USA (big ka-chings for xiaohui) and UNSW is also offering their attachment cum project thingy in Aussie too!!! whahahaha...

i better work suuuper well this semester and the next... then i can get a choice of whether i'd rather go usa, or aussie, or aussie.. hahahahhaa...

school was.. o.k. today. just plain okay... that tsekebei didn't come today, soooo i'm lucky.
i'm so tired now... but still have all those preparations to get on with...
so yeah.. talk to all of you later..