
whah lao!! (only coz i can't fink of a bet'er title)

Today... *yawns* I fell asleep in the lab.. while writing in my big lime green log book... siah lah.. next thing you know, sure got pillow in my bag, then i bring to lab to sleep on!! whahaha...
i POWER!! O_o

anyway, yeah..., did quite a lot today...
cleaned out the petri dishes (took out the dirty left over foods and stuff and dead fishes)
got some milli-Q water from lvl 7...
made a new batch of 0.3g/L salt solution.. autoclaved the bottle and solution..
then... slept.. for like an hour or so..
cleaned out the dishes again...
seived out the brineshrimp.. and got chased out by celine coz it was closing time...
but we managed to take out most of the brineshrimp..

I forgot to switch the pump off.. XD
i hope she doesn't kill me tmr when i get to lvl 6 at 12... :P
I can't wait for MrKoh's lesson... :) he's nice!

anyway, met up with debra and rica after i got out from the labs....
they were all the way at GreatWorldCity..
waited for them to pack up.. i watch Madagascar on deb's dvd player..
Had a HUUUUUUGE dinner at KennyRoger's... and then, home it is!!!
we watched the second half of madagascar in the van on the way home.. it was funny!!! :P

okok, well, i gotta run now...
talk to y'all soon!
toodles! ;)