
frigging shiat....

well let's see....
today, went to school, handed up some work, did the fishes, found some more new fishes in the tank... I suppose I'll find a few more in the tanks again tmr... no worries, they'll be there...!

Then, what else....
oh right, went shopping for my text book. Shopping for a FREAKING TEXT BOOK. SHOPPING.

dammit, I never knew I could go SHOPPING for a text book. never in my life, never! ah well, I suppose I'll be doing that pretty much more often than needed.

So yeah, bought my Tortora textbook... cost me only like what... $58.84? hahahahs...
so happy. And here I thought I'd have to pay like $73.96 for it. shit man.

I found that mbt book from watson at kino's as well... no, it's not bmt, it's mbt. It stands for Molecular Biology and Techniques. Shitass.. it costs $138.52....
freaking kinokuniya. They are by far... THE ONLY book shop I've known to want customers to pay such freakingly odd dominations. What's this shit about 52 cents, or 84 cents... 96 cents.. next thing you know, they want me to pay them 3 cents, coz it's for gst. shit them.

Anyway, yeah.... bought my book, bought gary a pair of pants... well, I was with mom, so what the heck. hahahahaa.. she was just telling me how fat I was, and I told her i'm normal sized. at least to my own opinion, that is. It's just that orchard road is one fucking biased road.

They only sell clothes to the aneroxic people. damn them. The only place mom thinks that sells reasonably good stuff is Marks&Spencer's.. and I couldn't agree more! hmph!

anyway, study time... did so much shopping today, I didn't have the time to read or study...
dammit... i think i'll leave everything to reading already...