
The lost thoughts of the meme's...

It's been AGES since I've done these TRIOS of meme's...

soooo... here we go!

Unconscious Mutterings
Statistics:: i hate it
Grin:: =D
Saturn:: the planet!
Fulfilled:: my wish.. well, i'm only hoping!
Life plan:: um.... get a job?
Cult:: no no.. that's bad
Lily:: tulips?
Stalemate:: a mate who's stale?
Celebration:: ceeeelebrate c'mon, tonight!
Underwear:: lingerie.. *laughs*

Thursday Threesome

::"I'll be your shoulder when you cry"::

Onesome - I'll be
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child? If you aren't fulfilling your childhood dream, what made you change it?
I wanted to become a teacher.. or a scientist.. or a doctor.. or a laywer.. a race car driver... a professional golfer.. a dancer.. an artist... so many things I wanted to do, so I tried to be smart and try everything out! haha..right now, i'm a scientist, I teach little kids things whenever I have the time, I'm still aspiring to be a doctor, I fight for my own rights, I play burnout 3 (race car game) on the x-box, i used to and will be picking up golf again, i danced when i was 11 and i painted when i was 16... I've done everything in my life that I wanted to do when I was a child!

Twosome - Your shoulder
Who's your confidant? Who do you run to when you need emotional support?
my confidant... is probably everyone.. lol.. if you ask well enough, you'll get bits and pieces of information of the things I tell to people.. and you'll get the whole picture soon enough, but usually, I just tell debra.. saves me time. Emo support? my cat. she's the best! she just looks at me and she'll just do cute little things to cheer me up..

Threesome - When you cry
What makes you cry? The scent of flowers? Allergies? Or are you just super-sensitive to that sad song you always seem to hear on the radio lately?
Dust makes me tear... hmmmm... sad songs.. if they're sad enough (and I mean heart-breakingly sad)... but other than that.. i don't usually cry.. maybe when i'm having a major breakdown, you'll be lucky to catch me crying.

Friday's Feasting

Where do you plan to go on vacation this year, or where would you want to go?
i wanna go to thailand... or japan... but yeah, it's mostly impossible to, coz I've went on holidays last year already..

What color is your bedroom? If you could redecorate it, what would you change?
it's white. I'd change EVERYTHING.

Do you have a bumper sticker on your vehicle? What does it say?
I don't even have a car, but if I did, and if I had a bumper sticker, it'll say "Look out behind you, i'll honk and you swerve."

Main Course
What's the worst pain you've ever been in?
menstrual pain. nothing beats it. not even a bad break up. =P

Who is your favorite celebrity? What do they do that inspires you?
my favourite celebrity? Edison chen, prolly... he doesn't inspire me.. he's just too good looking. ;)