
it's a tired yet satisfying day!!

Listening to: Josh Groban ~*~ When you say you love me

Mood: satisfied

My day went smoothly today..
so did the past 4 days actually... i think this has got to be the best week of my life actually..
I've never been this un-stressed or this comfortable anytime before..hahah..
I mean, there IS a certain amount of agitation and stress I feel. but it's a comfortable one, get what I mean?
No? hmm.. nevermind then.. haha..

Ken, keep up the good work in the driving! haha.. ^_~
Jezz.. have fun in Adelaide.. I think i'll go sydney next time.. cooler there.. haha.. :P

Made a new friend today.. his name is Bertram. Nice fella. Very crappy. Maybe I can add him into Crappers Society if debz, rica and i know him well enough. All four of us hit it off rather immediately after talking awhile.. he's from TP law and management, btw.. haha..

Reminds me.. went to NYP and TP today.. saw the Light Years cast there at NYP.. Debz and Rica went gaa-gaa over them.. *rolls eyes* honestly.. ugh... oh yeah, met Han at NYP's gates too.. hahah... so blur his face.. he had one word to describe me tho.. "gorgeous" *raises one eyebrow* yeah? hahaha.. i don't think so leh.. I mean, I'm okay with my figure, I think I look okay.. but gorgeous was never a term I'd use to describe myself. hahaha...

hmm.. what else.. oh yeah.. maybe i'll just settle for Micro BioTechnology or BioMedical Sciences.. and then further in to going UNSW to do my Bachelor's Degree in Genetics under General Sciences.. then get my medical degree in Veterinary Sciences.. :) there.. i've got my education set out for myself.

Then again, I'm considering TP's Law and Management. I mean, I'd love to do research, read up about cases.. laugh at some of them.. be a solicitor for abused kids.. and then well.. hahah.. well.. i have to find my passion in law too.. but, oh.. it's tough.. i've been revolving so much around science lately.. i don't know what to choose!! maybe i'll immerse myself in law for a bit yah... for the next few days.. ditch science and listen to law.. "objection! your honour!!" "Your honour, I would like to present the case of blablabla to you. if you would take a look at blah blah blah.." whaha..
Bertram makes it sound so interesting.. but he's got a point in Interest and Passion.. what's the diff between both?
Well, he said that in Interest. it's just having a liking towards something or someone.. whereas in Passion, it's a constant love for someone or something.. hmm... what's my passion? it seems to hover between Law and Medicine.. argh! >.<
so annoying!

but anyways.. haiz... the day hasn't been a let down to me..
And I'm sooo tired out.. hahaha.. think i'll head to bed early today..
oh Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Which reminds me.. hahah.. fabio was scaring Debz, rica and val val today.. hahaha.. tell you lah, girls.. what he sends to us.. is just his normal humourous self.. hahaha... don't mind him yah.. he's like that one.. ;)

Anyways, will update... soon.. haha.. catch up with everyone soon! toodles!

As of nows,
