
Baby we were making straight A's...

Listening to: Sam and Mark ~*~ a little help from my friends

Mood: um.. I'm fine.. smiling and all...

But I'm friggin' SICK... Caught a bit of the flu.. >.<
hope it isn't bird flu...
oh well... haha.. can't say I'm really bothered with whatever that hits me...
but i'm sure it'll go away soon.. Funny.. how I want this illness to stay rather than go away.. haha..
Am I trying to court death? I have no idea.. >.<

Anyways, was sleeping the whole of this afternoon, AFTER reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.. A promising read, albeit rather.. pointless..
It tells a tale of how a boy finds this voice of his heart, and how he follows the voice of his heart with the guidance of a very old and wise alchemist.

Haha.. thinking back, I may have some inkling to what the boy has.. I have known that voice in my heart.. haha.. lost connection with it.. although... well, new "spiritual" goal for me.. after sooo long.. I will listen out to my heart.. and it will guide me along. No worldly god needed.. coz well... like what many say.. god's already in you.

Anyways, I don't have to get all preachy.. that's why I don't go to spiritual sessions.. ahaha.. they preach too much...

Jeremy kor kor going off to Adelaide... so sad.. won't hear him nag.. hahah... not that I'd need more nagging.. >.< All the best, Jezzie!!! ^^ Gambatte yoh!!!!

Anyways, need to get my rest...
feeling so damn lethargic.. and a headache coming up.. >.<


As of nows,
