

Ow!!! Pat the phoenix's raging feathers!!! ^^

Listening to: Hilary Duff ~*~ Come Clean

Mood: *happy*

I'm happy, but... OWWWWWW!!!!!! It friggin' HURTS!!!!! *waves thumb about as if it's on fire*

okay, so, I watched the nurse cut off --okay, scrap off-- that wart.. (it's a virual one, says two doctors) and that was like within a matter of 6 seconds..

And the worst part was the deep freezing part.. they told me --meaning, nurse and two doctors-- that I had to put LIQUID NITROGEN into the wound.. and MAN!!!! it HURTS!!!!!!! it fucking HURTS!! *sobs* i was like 'ow ow ow owwie.. OW!!!'

the actual cutting away the wart part didn't even hurt at all.. it was until the liquid nitrogen touched the insides of the wound that it hurt loads.. it's like.. well.. *shrugs lamely* freezing up my thumb.. for 5 minutes, all I felt was pain.. it was enjoyable actually.. ^^

I'll show my thumb to you later, Jezz.. ^^ [meeting up with jezzie later!!]
oh man.. *sighs* but well, the trip to NSC was definitely fun.. to say at the least.. hahaha..
okay, it's kinda settled.. I think I'd enjoy being a doctor.. hee hee.. at least I get to command people to do stuff, at the same time, help them.. ^^
definitely my forte!! ^^ oh well, being a diplomat would be good too..

Will update later when I get home tonight... ^^