
Just a note to everyone..

Just a note to everyone..

okay, I've put that comment board up like sooo long ago, but no one seems to be using it... Must I take down my dekap board just so all of you will use it instead?

anyway, that comment board right..
is that thing that always goes "*gasps* (0) speakers!!" at the end of every blog entry.. it's not there for show, okay? it's for you to comment about the entry's contents..
now, it's your cue to click on that "speakers" thing.. and write some stuff in... preferably some good stuff.. try not to diss me too much lah, yah? haha..

I'm only human after all!! ^^

but hope all of you will know what to do after each entry.. :) hope you will add in a comment or two to spice up the blog abit... yah? ;) thanks a million peeps!

P.S.: remember to leave your name.. or nick name.. and your email or summat... yeah? thanx!

[Angeline aka Anjelline]