

Today's microA lab session was frigging fun!! :)
But while doing our work wrongly, our bench had one set of innoculated
growths only.. while the rest had 2... hahah..

But it was fucken fun setting the table on fire with ethanol and flame...
Tim's idea actually... he had this smiley face drawn on the table with
the ethanol using the spread plate triangle thingy... (I forgot the
actual term and i'm not bothering to open my lab book)
Then.. he proceeded on to set the triangle thing on fire coz it's been
doused in ethanol for lord knows how long...
and lit the table on fire... it was fascinating, to say in the least... :D

Oh, dad wasn't happy that I wanted to go for that 18-day YEP thing..
it's a Youth Expedition Programme that happens in December...
This coming december in fact.. it's December 1st to December 18th.. it'll be worth the experience...
It'll be clocked into my NYAA stuff..

You should have seen my dad's face when he told me he wasn't happy.. he
was frowning and then had this annoyed look and his face was really
black... and he said really bluntly, "Stop getting involved in all
this church things. you're not CHRISTIAN.. so stop mixing around with
that sort of people."

Haha.. like i want to get converted... I may not be an entirely
devoted buddhist, but that doesn't mean that I'll be running towards
it just so happens that 80% of my friends are general christians..
They have fun stuff to do, so I just be a parasite and tagalong.. I
just merely be a tolerant person when they pray, as any muslim would
be tolerant to a chinese's praying tradition and vice versa....

Oh mich.. it's email blogging.. means i blog from my email.. not from my phone...
hahas... it's pretty cool doing it...

anyway, i'm feeling sick...
dunno if i wanna go school tomorrow.. ughs.. but there's french.. >__< i don't wanna miss french...

I hate school all of a sudden.. I don't know..

oh man.. get me out of this hell hole..

I think I inhaled in too much of all that disgusting agar disk thing.. they STINK badly... yuck.. have been feeling sick and queasy ever since.. i shouldn't have eaten anything during lunch just now..

I'm gonna go shower then go sleep..

callin' it quits for tonight.. byee..