
oh nooooo.....

Mood: disappointed, somewhat.

I'm not going to genting next week.. so sad...
coz we couldn't book any bus down to genting.. it's all fully booked.
Mom was really very disappointed and upset that we couldn't go..

I want to surprise her with something now.. but I don't know what..
Anything just to chase her anger and disappointment away.. I don't like it when she's upset. Not only does she bang stuff about, she gets awfully moody too..

My dad was laughing at her while she was throwing a tantrum just now..
He still thinks mom's cute when she gets angry.. sheesh.. that's what you call true love huh? You just NEVER get bored of the person, even though you've lived with them for over 20 years..

I really admire my parents.. hahs..

Anyway, should've went out just now.. it didn't even rain.. :(
well, shall go study for a little while later.. that's if I can even open my books and notes and sit my butt at the table and absorb any information that's there for me..

More self-psyching huh? :P

Well, I gamed on the x-box again this morning.. against gary and my younger brother. my dad was saying i'm not a good driver. hahs.. *shrugs* just coz I'm blur in the morning and don't really bother with what's going on on the game, doesn't mean I'm not good at gaming.. (okay, so maybe I AM bad at gaming..)

it's just for my own amusement, isn't it? hahahs...

well, going to go find something to do other than to sit at this laptop...
I'm starting to loathe it.. it's too addictive.

Toodles for now... ;)