
weeeeekly shit!!

thursday 3somes! friday's feast.. sunday's mutterings..
Mood: hypeed up to do work..

My lovely threesome:

Nothing is certain but death and taxes --Benjamin Franklin

Onesome: Nothing is certain- Have you ever thought you had "Sure Thing?" Did it pay off or not?
Yeah... yeah.. sure it DID pay off.. but perfect things are always good things.. and not all good things stay a permanent fix...

Twosome: But death- Do you belive in life after death?
um.. for that time frame of a few hours, maybe days or weeks.. yes... but there will be re-incarnation.. (don't mess with me on re-incarnation, it's my belief)

Threesome: and taxes- Have you got all your tax documents squared away and ready to work on? Or are you one of the people at the post office on April 15th?
huh...? uhhh.. well, I don't pay tax, at least not yet.. lol...

Friday's Feast:

Appetizer - What do you want for Valentine's Day?
Today's Valentine's day! i want nothing more than to wish everyone a great day ahead!! but then again, valentine's day is just valentine's day.. it's just ANOTHER little significance.. kinda cliched day too. That's why I don't like Valentine's day.. I don't like cliches.. =)

Soup - If you could change the color of something you own, what would it be and which color would you make it?
I would change my clothes' colours.. into everything vibrant, pleasant and nice!

Salad - What's your favorite day of the week and why?
WEDNESDAY!!! well, i dunno.. it's the middle of the week. It shows me some sort of balance in the week. That's why I prefer wednesdays no matter how disappointing it can get every week in, week out..

Main Course - What excuse do you use most often?
"I'm doing homework.", "Lab Reports, dnd." hahah.. well, I tend to slack more than get it done, but I do get them done up anyway..

Dessert - Name something or someone you feel sorry for.
I feel sorry for Gary, my older bro.. being a guy with no hope and no faith, trying to run away from all his silly problems, and a bitch who won't leave him be. damn that bitch, someone.. well, okay, I ALMOST feel sorry for him. Coz he can be such a biatch to me all the time. =P

Unconscious Mutterings:

Judge :: Judge Judy!
Detroit :: canada?
Hyphen :: dash dot donkey... wtf? O.o?
Get it right :: i ain't lesbian.
Pulsating :: veins
Yoga :: sucks. I hate sitting still
Memorable :: memories.. sweet sweet bliss to terror-filled horrors
Financial advisor :: the guy who helps you make money and takes 20% of the stuff you earn
Ten million :: times another ten million dollars. that's what i want!
I :: I blog, therefore I am.