

I came across a cheeena mina today...
Mood: =)

hahaha.. oh geez..
Shakeila's / Clement's (can't remember who said it, but it's either one of them) Definition of Mina's...

1) Wears VonDutch.
2) Carries VonDutch while wearing Vondutch.
3) Acts cutesy.
4) But has a BIG att's problem.
5) is basically, an ah-lian wannabe.

Shan't say who it is, but yeah... I came across a cheena mina today. :D

And it ain't me. Period.


Anyhoots, yeah.. things didn't go as planned today...
It still went on smoothly, as per say. =)

I met up with the Tiang gang just as Gary and I stepped out of the lift.
Then, I went with Gary to watch Constantine. (it was fucking good! sorry, my bad.. still anyway.. FUCKING GOOD!!!)
Then, boss called. (I start work tomorrow at 6pm. I end at 5am. wish me luck.)
Then, Amanda pestered me till no end about the job. (I nearly chucked the damned mobile into the damned bin.heh..)
Then, we met Aunt Teresa and Uncle Mike at the lift lobby before going up.
Then, Tiang gang were still there. With 2nd Uncle's second wife/concubine/mistress/whatever-wanna-call-her. She's like a frigging snob. Fat snob.
Then, Leon was being a whinger. Whined a WHOLE effing lot. I nearly strangled him if I weren't having my headphones on.
Then, baby jordan was being a "badly-wired doll" (as taken from YaMei's blog. he suits that role too.) and jumping and running around with 5 older OLDER cousins running behind him, making sure he doesn't hurt himself. (damn, he loved the attention!)
Then, they left.
Then, chatted with Marcus. (He was asking me for help today. on what photos to put up on his friendster and what to write for his proposal for that 8,000-word essay for english)
Then, watched Mulan. (such a tear-jerker cartoon!)
Then, watched Gary play 21-points and drink 2 bottles of jack daniels and some sort of german apple wine/beer thingy.
Then, watched the Channel 8 9pm show..
Then, fucking tulan, that stupid fucking whore of a bitch called. Told gary to shut up while I dealt with her. She was being desperate. I forgot to tell her he went to Bangkok for training (was ordered by mom to tell her that).. the next time will be Taiwan, Australia, USA, and yeah, you guys get it right? heh heh..

THEEEEEN.. i'm here. =)

Awwww... don't you guys just miss me?
I know you guys did right? =)

Anyway.. yeah...
time to do my biostats... but before that.. I need to shower..

Sooooooo.. yeah.
hee hee... hope you guys enjoyed your holidays. *grins*

Okay.. here I go off then!

Toodles! ;)