
this is frustrating...

I've finally seen the true colours of my classmates.. well, part of it anyway.
They prolly seen mine, but I really can't be bothered.

Call me arrogant, I find you childish. While I may contradict my words one way or another, know this:

It was how my upbringing was, so don't criticise my upbringing. While I may seem distant and 'arrogant' as how most of you put it. Your "The you suck, YOU SUCK theory, wingdam sucks" thing is getting boring. While I may assume it's directed at me. It's obvious you guys don't like me for thinking you're all very obnoxious.

I'm being obnoxious now, just like how you were towards the more reputable and respectable lecturers in school. While you don't respect them, I do. They're nice teachers and you don't know that coz you don't bother to find out.

Maybe you'll find out how much power they can hold against you (like not giving you a nice testimonial) and you'll start appreciating them better.

I'm sorry for being selfish the past few days. But I'm not sorry for being annoyed at your obnoxious male behaviour. It's typically and distinctively male. A trait all girls hate. While you don't treat me like one, I'm one. Just not the type you'd enjoy working with, most definitely.

haiz.. whatever.

I'm just tired and sick of all that nonsense about your theories and special terms and what shit you have.

whatever, okay? like whatever.

just too annoyed to type what i'm feeling now. Although it makes me uncomfortable for bottling it up.

ugh. whatever. just leave me alone. go disturb some other person, why don't you guys? and keep quiet during lectures. People do actually want to learn and you're not helping by talking so bloody loudly in the hall.


shut up.

this is another life's lesson learnt.
Tough and live with it. The end. no more.
