
In case MSN dies....

Do NOT fear!!! for there will ALWAYS be... Skype here!!!!! =D

This really coooooooool thingy, it's more of a telephony thingy.. it works like MSN.. it's sooooo nice.. but no one besides Lee, amanda and junius has it!! >__<

if anyone of you have skype, add me on at username "anjelline".

anyway.. i'm getting tired.
the coffee's just about to wear out soon... x.x
and i'm just about dead now...

I had 3 mugs of coffee today.
lovely, innnnit? lol XD

anyway, i'm still stuck at virus-host interactions, coz it's such a long chapter.. I still have 18 pages on it left before I can start on Viruses and Cancers... dammit.. I'm set out to complete till there for today, then I'm going to bed.. this is so tiring and endless for me....

so like yea, I spent most of today in self-entertainment! lol
hehehehehehe.. prancing about the room and like laughing at nothing.. urrrgh... i got mad, aights? people go indubitably non compos *, -in a bit of a more lunatic sense, that is- when they get high on something... hahahaa...

I am one such person when I get high on my coffee!!! =P

hahahha... in any case, my day had been a little better than the rest. I'm a lil' more than satisfied with how the day had passed me by. When I get back to school on monday, however.. It's a totally different case.

Oh well.. *shrugs*
Someone, anyone on my MSN list.. just remind me on sunday night to put Oddworld into my bag before going to bed.. i promised jasrie I'd bring it for him, yeah...

well, time to wrap up those 18 pages.. and off to lala dreamland for me!!!
feeling rather pooped out already! >__<

Toodles, my fair people! ;)

* From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :

Non compos \Non com"pos\ Non compos mentis \Non com"pos men"tis [L.]
Not of sound mind; not having the regular use of reason;
hence, also, as a noun, an idiot; a lunatic; one devoid of
reason, either by nature or from accident.
[1913 Webster]