

Today, I had the dreadful supplementary paper... it was... um.. well, I just did everything in a haze... hopefully I regurgitated the correct stuff..
anyway, i had meeting after the paper.
boring as it is, oh well... can't complain.

Went to meet the parents and the older brother... they brought me to AMK to have lunch, then we went home, and I went out 30 minutes later to meet debra.
well, today was a bloody bore, really.

We got Bertram to get his lazy butt out and he brought us to starbucks to let us watch him and his friend 'smoke' mini cigars... honestly, you have to bite on the cigar, chew on it and taste it's richness to KNOW the cigar. It's like drinking wine. you have to gargle, smell and spit it out and all that crap.

Anyway, my bag strap was being an ass today, it glanced through my eye and scratched just a wee little bit of my cornea.. now it's hurting, itching and it's blurring up my vision. I hate this.

I hope I don't wake up blind tomorrow.

I'm like so bloody bored...
going out to watch "Mr and Mrs Smith" and "Kingdom of Heaven" with debra, rica and bertram next week...
i hope it won't be so boring next week. hahahaha...

For the solace I seek,
I shall try again and again,
till I find it,
I shall never rest.

ugh, this blurred vision is really frustrating me. =(