
4 days... 4 frigging days...

of nightmares...
Mood: exhausted

Alright, who's that frigging smart ass who's been giving me nightmares?
Dammit... not one night in this week, have I had a decent sleep! This is so annoying..
Slept at 0030 last night.. and I have to wake up at 0700 just coz of 3 nightmares in one sleep!?!? argh!

well, I've forgotten what I dreamt the other nights, but they were scary too... argh!
Just hope it all goes away soon.... :(

Mom says my past life's enemies are after me.. heh.. I have no idea who's out to get me, but man, last night's dreams were scary. Here's what happened: Some sleazy looking hippie-wannabe asshole was at the front door of my house, trying to force his way in and put in drugs into our homes. It was some powder drug. Heroin or estacy in powder form I think. It's really stupid. The more I tried resisting, the more persistant and violent that asshole became. I nearly took out that butcher's knife to stab him, but by then he ran out and I slammed the door in his face.

Just a dream like that, scares me so much. I have no idea why, but I woke up trembling coz of that dream. *shudders*

I mean, it scares me to think: what if something like that really happened to me one day?
Well, least I know what to do next time, get ready a meat cleaver and hack the bastard up. Damn dreams, and damn sleazy looking, hippie-wannabe assholes.. damn it.

What a way to wake up again.