
heh... i've got the cat...

hanging off my shoulder
Mood: trying to enjoy the last of my holidays

heh.. yeah, I picked terra up and placed her on my shoulder.. she kept really still, like a fur shawl would, while I paraded round my home with her on me.. it's quite fun really, when you find that you've got absolutely nothing to do.

Anyway, this morning, I woke up to the sounds of the TV again. 2nd week since Edwin came back from china.. it's been really noisy since he came home. About 30 minutes after I woke up, Edwin came running to me, exclaiming that there was a humming bird trying to knock itself out in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to find my older brother, Gary, ducking about, trying to avoid the poor little humming bird. It was indeed flying about, nearly knocking itself out in between all those bamboo poles we used to hang all the wet clothes to dry at the ceiling.

Well, it took Gary and I about 30 minutes trying to get that humming bird out of the house. We should have caught it and sold it off... but well, I reasoned that it might have been searching for food and it flew into the house by accident.. poor bird.

It came back with 3 other humming birds about an hour later. It's the most number of humming birds I've seen together in a group, live, flying and chirping in front of my face.. in my entire life too.. such a rare thing to happen, and I didn't have my camera with me.. oh well... I could've taken such great pictures...

I had a pimple outbreak overnight.. now I have like this HUGE acne on my forehead right smack above my left eyebrow, and lots of little little pimples all over my face.. guess it's time for that water diet thing again.. hahaha..

Oh, I've been bathing that cat of mine everyday now.. I have no idea how she does it, but she gets soooo smelly everyday.. must be something she ate. She pooped all over my hand last night. You have no idea how pissed off I was at her.

Anyway, while you all read this post... I'll be washing my clothes and getting myself utterly wet and having lots of fun in the bathroom..

Who would ever think that washing your clothes by hand would be SO much FUN? =)