
while terra goes wild again...

Mood: rather depressed

well, I have feeling this depressed since last night. And it sucks.
I have been thinking, and actually telling rica..
that I'm always there for everyone that I can make my time out for, but will anyone be there for me when I'm in need of them?

Debra and I were there for rica when she needed us, no doubt, I was even helping her out with her work, but I never really solved the sums, coz I wasn't thinking one bit and I knew nuts about pressure. (that's in physics)

And gins, well.. i'm always there for her. But whenever I need her, 90% of the time, she's busy with other stuff and she can't be bothered with me. :S doesn't sound really pleasant right?

But when school starts, both debra and rica are gonna be busy. Deb's gonna have to try avoiding that awful mouse-squeaking gracia, and that gawdammit other girl(forgot her name).. and Rica would be fending her way through school avoiding so many other people she dislikes.. (she's already calling them 'bitches' and 'bastards')
Gin would be finally having fun in school (thank goodness, she finally enjoys school once again) and I don't think she'd have time except for the weekends.

None of my best friends are gonna have time for me! sad! I know I'd gladly take time out for them, but will they do that for me too? I think we'll only know when the time comes, I guess..

That aside, Gary's went out (just) to watch The Chronicles of Riddick.. with his huge friend, WY. WY's just this fella who looks like a sumo wrestler, he's that huge. He can run fast, but only for short distances. And he's huge sized.

Dad and the lil' brother went out for a game of golf.

Mom's out jogging.

I'm here blogging this stupid entry.

Ugh, this is depressing.